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august POV

we had to check out today so I packed up my stuff and ziya stuff and put it in the car.

ziya- babe ,my mama went back on biasness she cried .

me- baby its gone be OK ,you know you always got me I said kissing her forehead.

Ziya- yea I know.

In the car ....

Ziyas POV
Aug can I ask you a question?

Aug- sure baby what's up.

me- why do you love me?

Aug- well I love you because you are real with me ,smart,amazing,and you like me for me and not my  money ,honestly you are the best thing that ever happened to me.

me- awh Auggie I love you too , I've been meaning to ask you ....can I stay with you.

Aug- of course you can baby , I have been waiting for you to ask me that for a long time.

at august house.........

Aug- baby you can decorated it however you want , its your house ,and I just live in it.

me- awh thanks bae.

I was getting ready to start cooking till my phone rung.

across the screen read (bestfriend in the world)

me- hey besty what's up.

Tasha- what y'all doing today.

me- I'm decorate the house, I for got to tell you, I'm moving in with August.

Tasha- really ,cool, who gone be at y'all house then.

me- joys parents put her out so her and jay are staying at the house .

Tasha- good ,I'm coming over.

me- OK

I hung up and continued cooking

about 20 minutes later I was done cooking, and Tasha was here.

me-  damn can you save some for my man.

Tasha- oh yea my bad she laughed.

2minuets later Aug came .

Aug- hey baby he said kissing my lips ., hey Tasha he said hugging her.

Tasha- what's up nigga.

me- stop being so ghetto I laughed.

20 minutes later

Aug- that was so good baybeh.

me- I know look who made it

Day of august(COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now