Chapter One - Nerd and Player

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Lydia POV 

Getting up for school is the hardest thing i have to do every morning oh and to see Dean Miller everyday GOD I HATE HIM but i will get to HIM later . I get up for school and get dressed as quite as i can i dont want to wake my dad cause no doubt he was working last night. I go downstairs and out the door to see my bestfriend waiting for me in her Jeep . Sophie Lane is my only friend she is popular im not but some reason she sticks to me, She has long blonde curly hair and blue eyes, she has a golden tan and she overall beautiful. "Hurry im hungry!" Sophie shouted i smile and get in we look at each other and say "McDonalds!" and she drives.

We pull up to school and get out people shout 'hello' to Sophie and i keep walking and go into school, at my locker i get my books out "So you wanna do something today?" Sophie asks me i sigh "I cant my dad has this work thing and is making me go with him!" i tell her she frowns "Okay but this weekend me and you shopping!" she tells me and i nod. We say our goodbyes and go to our lesson i have maths as Sophie has English.

Dean Pov 

"DEAN GET UP BEFORE I DRAG YOU OUT!" My best friend Kol Shouts at me i roll over and get a shower. After i've showered i go downstairs and see Kol talking to my mum laughing . Let me tell you abit about Kol, well his last name is Stevenson we have been friends since we were in nappies and he is very serious about everything and anything, He is well built like me and has spiky jet black hair and crystal blue eyes that all the girl drown in .. well thats what he says. "Morning sweetie." my mum says kissing my cheek "Morning mum, wheres dad?" i asked her she smiled "He is getting the party ready for tonight remember he is having his work colleagues and their families remember! So dont be late home tonight!" she tell me and i nod and me and Kol leave and get in my Impala the love of my life except from one girl but thats another story.

"So are you coming tonight?" I ask Kol he laughs "Of course all those daughters." i roll my eyes at him but laugh i pull up to school and we are greeted by the other 4 guys of my group Alec and Alex Smith they are identical twins they are the jokers of the group then you have Kai Burrows the Flirt and then we have the smartest one William Summers but we call him Will for short. "Sup guys!" we all greet each other as they guys talk i hear people shouting 'hey Soph' i turn and there she is the only girl i have my eyes on but she hates me and i mean HATES me. I watch her walk in the school and turn and look at my mates "Come on guys we should go i have maths." the twins look at me and smirk "Dont want to miss 'Smarty pants' do you!" they laugh i smack them on the heads and go to lesson. 

I walk in the class everyone stops and stares there was two seats one next to the queen bee of the school Claire Hope or her. "Take a seat Mr Miller." the teacher tells me i smile and make my way to my seat.

Lydia Pov 

"Take a seat Mr Miller." i hear the teacher tell Dean. God he is always late i was currently drawing , i love drawing as i was shading i feel the chair next to me pull out i look up and i see HIM Dean Miller sitting next to me i look around the class and i see a chair next to Claire the queen bee.. Why does he have to sit next to me? All through class i felt Dean's stare on me and it was pissing me off "What do you want?" i ask him he smirks "Can you help me with this question?" he asks i roll me eyes and tell him and get back to my work.

The bell finally rang i jumped out of my seat as i was about to leave the teacher shouted my name "Miss Johnson and Mr Miller come here please" she says i sigh i go to her desk "Yes Mrs?" i ask her she coughs "Mr Miller you grade in maths is terrible so i want Miss Johnson to tutor you." she says i stand there in shock.


This is my second book

Hope you guys like it ! <3

-Hope <3

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