Chapter Two-

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recap -

  "Mr Miller you grade in maths is terrible so i want Miss Johnson to tutor you." she says i stand there in shock.  

Lydia Pov-

"WHAT!" I shout i cant have heard her right  no way does she want me to tutor HIM "Miss Johnson please Mr Miller needs tutoring i will give you that written statement if you do." she says i groan and nod after that she smiles and i storm out, why the hell do i have to tutor HIM i hate HIM. i hear Dean following me but i walk faster i reach the  lunch hall and go sit with Sophie "Hey why so angry?" she asks i sigh Miss wants me to tutor Dean Miller and i dont want to but if i dont she wont give me that written statement." i tell her, i see her mouth drop "Wait do you mean the hot football player Dean Miller .. The girl magnet Dean Miller..  The i want to fuck you Dean Miller." she says i groan "Yes THAT Dean Miller." she laughs and pats my back "Good luck girl!" she says and i eat my pasta . When the bell rings we make our way to PE.

I  had my uniform on which consists of black shorts and red top but because its hot outside we wear red tank top i dont hate my body and just dont like showing it "So was your dad up this morning?" Sophie asks i shake my head "No he must of been worki.." i was about to say but i banged into something hard and fell to the floor "Oh my god are you okay?" i hear a deep but soft voice i look up and see William Summers one of Deans friend but William is the nice one "Yeah im fine ." i tell as he helps me up "Good and again im sorry im just in a rush im kinda late." he says and i nod "Its fine." and he nods and walks off "OH MY GOD HE IS FREAKING HOT!" Sophie shouts i quickly shs her. Thoughout PE I felt eyes on me as we play football i turn and look around and see Dean Miller staring at me when he sees me looking he smiles and shake my head and carry on with playing football.

I say bye to Sophie outside my house and i go home "Lydia?" i hear my dad i go to the kitchen "Hi dad!" i say he smiles at me and he hugs me "How was school?" he asks "Yeah i have got to tutor this boy Dean in my class but other then that just a normal day." i tell him he nods "Well you better get ready we are leaving at 5." he tells me i nod and go get ready.

I was finally ready i had a light blue dress that made my cleavage look good and came up to mid thigh i had silver high heels on and diamond studs on. I had my hair half up and half down and grabbed my coat and went downstairs "Lyd.. Wow sweetheart you look stunning." My dad says i blush "Is it too much?" i ask him he shakes him head "No sweetheart you look beautiful now can you help me with my tie?" he asks i nod after that we head to the party..

We pull up outside a big house i was shocked at how beautiful it was "You ready sweetheart?" my dad dad asks i nod and he knocks on the door.

Dean Pov 

"DEAN COME QUICK OUR FIRST GUESSED ARE HERE!" my mum shouts i run down i was wearing a grey suit with a light blue tie when i arrive to the door my mum gives me a do over and smiles and she opens the door "Hi Shaun come in." i hear my dad greet "Michael and Lucy this is my daughter Lydia." i hear the deep voice say my dad grabs my arm and pulls me up front "Shaun this is my son Dean." i look up and i stand there in shock "Dean this is Lydia.. Lydia this is Dean!" my dad says i see Lydia look up and she frowns "Hey Dean!" she says in a welcoming voice "Oh do you know each other?" My mum asks "Yes i have been given the opportunity to tutor your son Mrs Miller." Lydia tells my parents my mum laughs "Oh no dear please call me Lucy, well Dean why dont you get Lydia a drink while we wait for the others." my mum says i nod and i offer my arm out for Lydia and she takes it.

i was stood at the bar with Lydia she hasnt really spoke to me , everyone had turned up and now the music was playing "Dean im here now where are the .. Why Lydia Johnson you do scrub up well." Kol comes up to us Lydia laughs "So do you Kol Stevenson." she answers back with a smile Kol laughs and looks at me with a smirk "Well Lydia you look bored why dont we dance?" Kol says offering her a hand she looks at me and nods and they go off dancing. I wasnt jealous i just wished i had the balls to ask her myself. 

Lydia Pov

I  danced with Kol and Will for most of the night but it was getting late and my dad wanted to leave as he was working late tomorrow i arrive home and i say night to my dad and i get a shower and get into a bed but my phone went off ...


D: Hey i got your number from Kol. But just wondering can we talk tomorrow?:)Xxx

L: Hey im guessing this is Dean and sure what about?:)

D: yeah sorry and just tutoring and that oh and wheres my kisses ?:)xxxx

L: Okay and xxxx

D: Good and thats better and btw you looked beautiful tonight xxx

She smiled and felt something funny in her stomach she ignored it 

L: Thanks you didnt look bad yourself but im gonna to bed so tired so night Miller :)xxx

D: haha and night Johnson xxx

She put her phone down and went to sleep with a smile on her face.


Picture of Lydias Dress :)) 

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