The K I S S :: Part One !

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The K I S S :: O01

(SM = Summer's Mom)

(SD = Summer's Dad)

(RM = Roc's Mom)

SM: Summer !! Hurry up , there almost here .

Summer: OKKAYY Mom ! Dang .

SM: Watch Your Mouth Young Lady

Summer: What Ever

SM: What You Sa- (GCO BY THE DOOR BELL) Summer Hurry Up !

Summer: MOM .. There just gonna have to wait because I can't find my ear ring !

SM: *opens the door* Hi . Welcome !

RM: Hello , You Have A Beautiful Home .

SM: Thanks

SD: Hello ! Thanks For Coming , And Hello To You To Roc

Roc: Hi Sr .

Summer: I'm sick of these people rushing me, beauty takes time *looking down trying to put her earring on, and Didnt notice the guests*


Summer: *Looks Up* what ? Ohh ... Hello ! (Shakes Roc and Mom Hands)

RM: Hi .. You have a pretty daughter *looks at SM*

Roc: Hi ..

SM: come on let's go in the dining room , I cooked steak !

SD: My Favorite

*they walk in and sit at the table*

Summer: So why did I have to get dressed for dinner ?

RM: You haven't told her

SM: No , have you told roc ?

Roc: told me what ???

SM: Well that's a no .

Summer: Tell Us What ?

SD: Soo .. Ummm , I'll tell them ! Roc , we have been knowing your parents for a very long time . Me and your dad met before I sworn out the Military

Roc: so you know my dad ?

SD: yeah ! He was my cabin mate when we were being requited ..

Roc: oh cool . He should be coming home soon . I haven't seen him in 3 months

Summer: Sorry to ruin the "little moment" but you still haven't told US ..

SD: Yeah , Umm ... We want you guys to date . Maybe he married and have some kids

Roc&Summer: What ??

TheParents: we want you to date . We know that you would make a Umm a "Powerful Couple"

Summer: Powerful Couple .. I DONT EVEN KNOW HIM ? SO WHAT DO YOU MEAN ???

Roc: And Plus I Have A Girl Friend

SD: Sorry summer but you know the tradition

RM: Right Roc .. And Plus The Gf you have is no good for you , she's so disrespectful

Roc&Summer's Thought : I totally forgot about the tradition

(Tradition:: there parents have to pick who there child can marry, they would eventually have to move in together)

Summer: We Have to move in together ..

** Roc walks out the room, His mom follows him **

Roc: Mom , Really ? You know I go with Jen (Made Up Name)

RM: Ik , like I said ! She's disrespectful towards you, and us! You don't need her

Roc: But I love her

RM: Thats what Yuu think .. I'll make it a deal ! When Summer moves in with you , and it doesn't work out in 3 months . You can go back to Jen .

Roc: *thinks* ugh , deal ...

They walk back into the dinning room

Summer: I Can't Believe You Guys Did This ! You wan let me love my own life ..

SD: Summer , we know what's best for you

Summer: No . You know what's best for YOU . Your not trying to help me . I DONT EVEN KNOW THE DUDE LAST NAME !!!

SM: calm down hunny ! This is gonna work out . You haven't even given it a chance .

Summer: what ever

SM: when you move with him and it doesn't work out in 3 months .. You can date who ever you want ! Deal ? *looks at Summer & Sd*

SD&Summer: deal

RM: Well , Nice meeting Yall . We have to go

SM: okay, bye ! *walks them to the door*

--- Well I Just Hope Yall Liked The First Part Of "The K I S S"

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..CaLii ✌

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