Dear stranger
I've been up all night again.
It's been the 6th week since I last saw your eyes.
I'm counting days as they spin by, marking every single one off as I miss your sight.
I told my friend about this guy, the one whose looking at me with his golden eyes.
I told her how I wondered of him and yet I can't seem to see him again.
Imagine is all I do all the time.
I imagine you walking side by side.
I imagine you singing a melody, while you're holding my hand, singing me to sleep.
I wonder your voice and I wonder again of your eyes, for they have held me captive since.
I imagine you looking at my with your golden black eyes and I imagine you calling me in the middle of the night.
I imagine talking to you for hours late and I imagine seeing your smile.
I imagine you at day and I imagine you at night.
How can it be that just a glance has me begging for your attention and craving for something I can't feel.
I wonder oh I wonder about you all the time.
Is this what madness is? For I've lost my mind.I wonder if I can ever be sane again.