Part one

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CHAPTER ONE - Six years on...

Lucy pulled her hair into a tight bun and pushed her cap ontop. She grinned whilst looking at herself in the mirror, Lucy stood in her new army suit.
She sighed,
"Five years I've been here." She said to herself,
"So glad I'm here though."

Lucy thought about the day she was in hospital...

Lucy looked at the Doctor,
"Cancer?" She asked. The doctor nodded and apologised again.
Lucy looked down at her hands,
"I have cancer in me." She thought to herself.
She looked up at the Doctor,
"When can I leave?"

"Now, if you want."
Lucy nodded and climbed out of the bed.

"But," the doctor continued,
"You will still need treatment."

"If I don't want treatment, how long will I live?"

"Uh, well, in your case, I would say about ten years."

"Good. But, what about with treatment?"

"If it works, over sixteen. If it doesn't work, ten years."

"And the probability of the treatment working?"

The doctor looked down at her hands,
"Not high."


Lucy sighed deeply and sat back down.

"So I can either have treatment that might not work which could take a year to do. Or I can take my chances and not take treatment?"

The doctor nodded. Lucy bit her thumb nail and picked up her phone and phoned Jackson.

"Heya Lucy."

"Hey, dad."

"I'm just about to bring your clothes, what do you want?"

"Uh, dont worry about it."


"I'm going home."

"That's great. Do you-Uh, know what's wrong?"



"I'll tell you when you get here."

"Okay sweetheart. See you in a minute."

"Bye dad."


Lucy put her phone back into her bag and climbed back into bed. She looked at the Doctor,
"I don't want the treatment."

"Okay. But, you might want to go through that with your father."

"I guess so."

The Doctor nodded and walked out the cubicle. Lucy looked at her phone and picked it up. Her thumbs danced over her key pad,
"I have a new plan." Lucy said to Jenny.

"Oh yeah?"

"I'm going to join the army."

"Uh..." Jenny's voice trailed off as she looked at Jackson who stood in the end of the bed.

"Lucy?" He asked,

"Oh hey." She said.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I. Uh, have cancer."


Lucy looked up at Jackson,
"I. Have. Cancer."

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