Chapter 1 {Remembering}

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"Why won't you tell people who I really am?"I asked my mother. "They don't need to know."She said, flipping through Peoples Magazine. "Why?"I said. "What's there to tell!"She yelled, throwing the magazine. "I hate you!"I yelled. CRRAAACK! That was the sound of my mother's hand hitting the side of my face. "You don't talk to me like that!"She shouted while sitting down. I was angry my vision was blurred by my tears. I picked up a knife on the counter and stared at the girl looking back at me. The last thing I remember before blacking out was mom crying out,"Alice? What are you doing? Alice! No!"


I woke up on my park bench remembering everything I did to get here. I remembered everything before I got here: I woke up with a dreadful headache. The first thing I did was call out to my mom. "Mom!" I called getting up to find her body soaked in blood. "Oh, Mom, I'm so sorry!"I cried. I had a terrible feeling inside of me.... guilt. Oh course I was guilty I loved my mother yet I still killed her. Who does that? Why did I do this? I thought. I had no time, I needed to go. I got up to take things that were sentimental to me: an old letter I got from my grandma when I was still Mckenna, my birthday present from mom that I hadn't opened yet, the picture of mom and the mystery man, and finally I grabbed the necklace around my mother's neck with my phone. "Love you Mom!"I said like I said everyday before going to school except this time I wasn't going to school, I was going to go find my grandma. I took one last look at my house and thought about when I first came here. I was 6 years old and then my name wasn't really Alice Foster it was Mckenna Harper. Mom and I would move a lot before then that way no one could get a chance to know me, but when we went to this park called Sumer Grove where we met these lovely people with smiles to big for their face. When the asked our names mom freaked. Her name was Lily Harper and since she never told me my dad's last name, my name was Mckenna Harper. She didn't want them to know who I really was, so she told them my name was Alice Foster. Ever since then my code name has been Alice "Hawkeye" Foster. The next day mom wanted us to leave a week early because of the at the park, but I didn't want to leave that beautiful park. So we stayed there making friends who know me as Alice. That's why I am here at this house today because of that park. I walked to that park and sat on the park bench (that I was laying on) and dialed 911. I didn't press call I just stared at the numbers thinking between calling and going to prison or calling and running away. I deleted the most dangerous numbers and dialed the only person who knew I was Mckenna my best friend Stephine. "Hello?"I whispered into the phone. "Alice? Are you ok? It's 1 AM."She said, alarmed. "Mm-mom's dead!"I finally said. "Wait, what! How? Where are you?"Stephine asked. "The park and don't forget Alex."I answered. "We'll be right there!" She shouted as I listened to the shuffling on the other end. "Ok, but don't tell anyone."I said before hanging up. I knew Steph would understand because when she was 10 she killed her dad over self defense. A few moments later Stephine and Alex came crashing through the entrance of the park. "What... happened?" She asked, catching her breath. "Me!"I cried, looking up at her.

"Www-where is her body?"Alex asked a little shaken up just like the day Stephine killed their dad. I took them back to my house to show them her body. I was just as scared as they were. "I have no idea what to do."I said, watching Alex get closer to my mother's body. "Don't hurt her!"I exclaimed. "I don't think I can hurt her any more than you have."She said truthfully. I drowned in tears now crying because what she said was true. Now Stephine finally spoke,"It's not your fault. It was an accident, right?" I was sure it was an accident, but it felt like maybe it was more than that maybe I really did want to kill her. "Yeah ,I said, an accident." Alex stared at us because she just didn't know the feeling of accidentally killing someone you love. She looked uncomfortable it was wrong of me to tell her to come. "I'm sorry I made you come Alex." I sniffed. "No, Alice, I wanted to come."She said with a polite smile. Alex also knew my real name was Mckenna but still preferred Alice. "We have to call the police and explain everything."Alex said grabbing the phone. "Wait!"Steph interrupted. "Are you serious Steph, I mean she killed someone. Her Mom! The cops need to know!"Alex panicked. "Shut up, Alex! Your voice is so annoying don't you ever stop talking. Yes, she killed someone, but so did I. If she goes to juvenile detention I'm going with her! So for us, shut up because we don't need your remarks right now!"Stephine straightened out. "I'm sorry, jeez." I wanted to give her a speech to but I knew everything she said was still true. "We will have to call the police, but then you do what you have to do."She said winking at me. I knew that she meant to find my grandmother. "Thank you."I said, hugging her. "It's no biggie."She said smiling. "I truly mean it." We called the police and we were each questioned. Alex of course blamed it all on us even though Steph wasn't there. I told the police officers that I have been having black outs since I was 13 and if they needed proof they could talk to my doctor about it. Of course, none of that actually happened. It really went like this."Shut up, Alex! Your voice is so annoying don't you ever stop talking. Yes, she killed someone, but so did I. If she goes to juvenile detention I'm going with her! So for us shut up because we don't need your remarks right now!"Stephine straightened out. "I'm sorry, jeez." I couldn't be in that house any more. Now it was my turn to panic. I ran out of there with my backpack and guilt. I didn't stop or anything, I just kept running. I got a text from Stephine saying that Alex called the police immediately after I ran out the door. I knew that Stephine would have my back and explain everything but Alex is a whole other story. I sat down on the grass and opened my birthday present and crazy enough, it was what I wished I had right now in this cold place, a hoodie. It was my favorite color too gray. You didn't know how such different colors could make your mood. I got back up and started walking, not even knowing where I was going or where to go. I was scared and alone everything a kidnapper loves. I can't just leave my dead mother, that's wrong, it's wrong that she's even dead and it's all my fault. If I could go back, I would. I know a lot of people want to go back to fix their mistakes, but I wouldn't just fix my mistakes I would fix me. I refuse to leave! I'm not going anywhere until I figure everything out starting with who my father is. I foraged for the letter in my backpack until finally I found it. The day I found this letter it wasn't open I think it's time to open it. I tore the letter open and begun to read:

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