Chapter 9

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“Where are we going?” Ella asked eagerly as they swam back out of the palace. Waterfolk still strolled casually around the courtyard, the only difference she noticed was the increased presence of the guards. She could smell something tasty waft through the water, similar to the sent of fresh bread. Her stomach rumbled, not satisfied with the few strawberries she'd nibbled on earlier.

“Well if you're stomach is any indication, we should start at the market place,” he laughed, pulling her down a side street.

The road opened up into a large square, full of colourful stalls selling anything and everything you would ever hope to buy. Shimmery fabrics of every hue hung in one stall, reaching out towards Ella and brushing her skin with their soft strings. Another was full of jewelry made out of shells, and in another a vendor was grinding up more shells into colourful powder and smearing it onto the face of a young girl, like some sort of make up. Landon gently guided her closer to the sweet smell she'd smelt earlier, and her mouth began to water.

“How about you try one of our famous delicacies,” grinned Landon, coming to a stop in front of the source of all the delicious smells.

Ella peered into the stall, in the back she could see a stone oven powered by the same eery blue flame she saw lighting up the city. Inside a silvery fish baked, sizzling and bubbling. She saw no bread though, and frowned. Why did it smell like fresh bread?

“Tapaka. Fish on a stick, cooked in secret spices found only in the lake, wrapped in kelp, and deep fried. How we get the hot oil to stay underwater is our little secret,” winked the shop keeper, holding out something that looked a lot like a corn dog. Ella took in gingerly, her stomach churned at the thought of deep fried kelp.

Landon handed the shop keeper some coins and took a stick of Tapaka for himself. In two swift bites he'd eaten the whole thing and tossed the stick away. Ella took a deep breath and nibbled on the end of it. Surprisingly, the fish was moist and the kelp had the texture of crispy bacon. Landon was beaming as he led her deeper into the market, towards a stand of vibrant fruits and vegetables.

“Dessert,” he said, picking up something that looked like a hot pink apple. Ella finished her Tapaka and hungrily bit into the fruit. She let out a gasp, it tasted like cotton candy.

“The food down here is amazing! How am I supposed to go back to surface food!” she said, her mouth full.

Landon just laughed, taking her hand again and pulling her back towards a fabric stall. Ella choose a silver piece of fabric that sparkled in the blue torchlight and matched her tail. The shopkeeper pinned it around her body, and it felt smoother than silk against her skin. She twirled around, watching the fabric sparkle in the ripples of light.

“I feel bad spending your money,” Ella grumbled as they swam deeper into the market.

“Oh don't worry about it, it's nothing really. I make a lot as a royal guard. Well, made a lot. I'm not really sure what a guardian's salary is, but considering the fact they assigned me to you in the first place, I assume I'll still get paid. Besides, I can't think of a better way to spend my money,” Landon rambled on.

“Doesn't matter, I don't want you buying me more stuff,” Ella mumbled, fingering the soft fabric.

“How about one more thing? Something you can take to the surface with you. Something practical. Something you can't say no to,” he grinned mischievously.

Intrigued, Ella followed him towards a secluded stall wedged between two stores selling beads and jewelry. She pushed back the door flap to reveal books. Piles and piles of books, all written in symbols she couldn't read. She let out a sigh, it was a sweet attempt, and she very much wanted to devour each and everyone of these books, but she couldn't read Waterfolk.

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