Prologue ~ The Coming of Legion

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Prologue, The Coming of Legion

My name's Rin, and I'm a Faerie. One of the Fae, the Fae are supernatural beings that live on the Earth with Humans, but aren't human or animal. There are all different kinds of Fae, but more about that later on, lets get on with the story.

"Come on Shane, where did you go," I muttered as I flew around another town looking for him. Its been hours since I started looking, and my wings were starting to get tired. I saw an empty street and landed. The street had an eerie feel to it, kinda like a ghost town. That feeling alone sent shivers up my spine. I'll start looking for him on foot I guess, I thought as I started walking down the street that I landed on. Its called Chestnut St, I observed as I turned the corner on to 22 Ave. Then I smelled it, the smell of rain and evergreen. Shane, I immediately started running towards the house where his scent was coming from. As I got closer I smelled it, the harsh tang of blood and immediately stopped. No, not again, I thought, he could go crazy if he saw himself like this. I quickly pulled up my glamour and ran inside. The smell of blood made me gag, and I knew that many people had been killed here tonight.

I slowly followed the smell of blood to a parlor. It's rather nice with expensive furniture and robin's egg blue walls. The problem, was all the bloody hand-prints that seemed to cover everything, and the pile of mangled bodies in middle of it. The person standing over them had a dagger in his hand and was covered in blood, their blood. At first he didn't notice me, and I kept walking toward him slowly and quietly.

Then he turned and I saw his face, it was a handsome face, though now distorted by rage and flecks of blood. They stood out plainly against his pale white skin. His eyes were an electric blue, but they were ringed with a bloody crimson, and his hair was pitch black and some strands were dripping blood. This was Shane, but he was being controlled by his bloodlust. I knew his bloodlust would take over soon, but I thought that he was old enough to control it. I was wrong and this was the result, this is why I try not to be wrong.

He slowly walked towards me with the knife in his hand. When he was close enough I grabbed the dagger from him. Damn, kid why did you have to steal my dagger. Couldn't you use a ordinary kitchen knife, I thought bitterly. Then I looked him in the eyes and said, "Shane, what the hell are you doing, you need to stop." He glared at me for a few minutes before I saw the red glow slowly leave his eyes. They turned back into their original electric blue color. He blinked and shook his head confused. "Rin, where the hell are we," he said looking confused. "Where do you think we are you idiot," I growled clearly pissed off. Shane started to back away slowly, but then he must've smelled the blood. He turned around and looked at the heap of bodies. I couldn't see his face but I knew he was utterly horrified at what he knew he did. Then he turned and ran deeper into the house, but before he ran out I saw the tears he was trying to hide.

I stayed back for a little while fingering the dagger, wondering if I should go after him. After he didn't come back I followed him. His scent led me to a bedroom. The walls were colored a gaudy pink and had little flowers painted all over them. In the corner of the room was a stack of dolls and toys.

This kid must've been seven or eight, I thought to myself. Shane was sitting on the bed his blood stained pants were soaking into the thick pink comforter. I stood by the door, my anger slowly building,until I burst out, "They're dead there is nothing you can do about it. " He looked at me his eyes red from crying, "You could bring them back to life, couldn't you," he said. Damn, why did this kid have to be so sharp. "Yes I could, but it's time that you get used to the death that follows our kind, " I replied coldly. He's been a Fairy for 40 years, he should be used to the death by now. I know from experience, if you aren't flexible, you're going to snap.

I walked in and leaned against the wall waiting for him to get ready to go. After a few minutes of silence he stood up and walked over to me. His eyes betrayed what he was his face hid well. His eyes held heart wrenching amounts of pain, sadness and regret. I felt my composure slipping, but I quickly recomposed myself. They have never seen me cry and I hope they never will. He put his hands on either side of my head and glared at me.

His nose was almost touching mine as he slowly said. "Rin I've never seen your bloodlust, and you've been with me since the beginning." I bit my lip, only Lahn new my story and I knew I would have to tell Shane it soon but the memories were just to painful, even now many years later. "I didn't want to tell you but I have no choice."

"Tell me what, " he looked confused. I never keep secrets, I believe that they make times like this more complicated. "Well I was alone for 12 years after becoming a Fairy, and being alone for short periods of time is fine, but when you are alone for that long your mind starts to deteriorate. I didn't know what I was, and the elders didn't know that I had been created, so they weren't looking for me. No one could see me, and it was wearing on me until one night when I went to sleep I woke to a horrific sight. Blood splattered everywhere, and bodies strewn about the room. It looked as if a pack of dogs had come in and ripped them all apart. This was the last straw, I kept moving around looking for someone who could tell me what i am, but I couldn't find anyone. Until I felt something coming from a small town in Colorado, it was Lahn, and ever since I've been traveling with him the bloodlust hasn't taken over. So I think that his presence calms me or something."

After a few seconds of silence Shane nodded, moved away and walked out the door.

He walked away from me toward the entrance way, but before he could leave I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. After he just smiled at me and walked out while I walked back to the parlor and started looking at the pile of bodies and thinking of the mess I'm going to have to clean up. Then I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. A guy not much older than I was watching me.

He said,

"Remember Legion is one,

Legion is many,

and Legion is always there"

Then I blacked out.

~Authors Note ~

Comment, vote, and enjoy. I love feedback so give me any you can.

Julia §

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