The First Encounter

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It was like any other British day, rain fell from the sky like tear drops to my face. I had work soon but I still need my daily dose of caffeine for me to even function properly...well that was my excuse anyway. I always saw her. Long raven hair but in the light it seemed to shine midnight blue, her eyes were a calculating grey but when you got closer constellations of green would appear. She was beautiful. I stood out in the rain motivating myself to work up the courage to ask for my order without stuttering like a mad man, she just had that affect on me, finally I pull open the door with shaking hands and step inside. The warmth embraced me as I walk up to the counter, I open my mouth but she's already got my order brewing. A smirk etches its way onto her face and I just wanted to feel the everlasting touch of her lips on mine.

 It was Saturday and I just finished my morning jog when I bumped into her...literally. She was on her way back home from work, I tried to make small talk but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. A smile appeared onto her face and my heart melted, I could stare at her smile all day, we exchanged numbers and talked regularly from then on. But I knew it was too good to be true.

Date one was great, she told me she loved bowling so that's exactly what we did. She kicked my ass... she'd hit strike after strike but I just wasn't good enough, I claimed that she was cheating but I didn't know the half of it. Date two was perfect, she loves Italian cuisine. She ordered the linguine and we laughed as she knocked her glass of wine onto the cream carpet of the restaurant. I took  her out for a night around the town and we danced the night away. I walked her home but I never got that good night kiss. There was no date three, I walked to her door heart on my sleeve and flowers in hand. Three knocks on the door later and it wasn't her who answered, he was tall,dark and handsome. I asked why was he there and he replied with the same question, and there she was with a deceiving look in her eyes and a mischievous grin. She claimed she's never met me and my heat shattered like glass. I couldn't cope and I returned to my one mistress...alcohol, day by day I drank them away until I was nothing but a broken man. Another poor soul trapped and wallowing in his own self pity.

The man that once loved and never looked back, but when he turned and his heart went black. His  conscience as cold as ice. Who knew this man would end his life, drinking away sat next to a kitchen knife, the reaper came to claim his life and that's when it was his final goodnight.  

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