Chapter 6

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"You're forgetting the last part. If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it's yours. I'm back." All three of us stayed on the ground. My breathing almost back to normal. "I guess Mitchie, what I'm trying to say is... will you be mine too?"

Kirstie started to reply for me. "Scott, I-"

I tuned out their voices. Everything was silent. I just needed to think. I just need space. I need space. Where can I get room to think. I stood up slowly and looked down at the soundless screams of the two doctors for a second before turning to walk to my washroom.

The only sound seemed to be my own heart beat. It was hard and unevenly spaced. I focused on just walking. I don't usually stand right after an episode. It was hard. And just to make it that much better, life decided to throw another episode-worthy question at me. "Will you be mine too?"

I was halfway to the bathroom when I felt someone grab my wrist to stop my flee. Due to my unstable physical and mental state, I fell straight into whomever grabbed me. Still, everything seemed to be played in slow motion and soundlessly. I turned around to see Scott's worried face and firm grip on my wrist. Kirstie wasn't standing too far behind him. She had the same look on her face.

Scott was trying to say something, I couldn't quite make it out. I need space. I just... I just need room to think. I twisted and pulled my wrist from his grip, and started for the washroom again. Just before I shut the door completely, I saw the two doctors yelling at each other again.

I closed the door and locked it in my tired daze. I stood there. My hand stayed on the handle, my forehead resting on the door. "Will you be mine too?" I tried to focus on my breathing. Slowly, I slid my back down the door. One of my hands were tangled in my long brown hair, gently pulling to keep my thoughts on track. The sound of my heartbeat filled my ears. "Will you be mine too?"

Will I? I want to, but he doesn't deserve that. I let him go once, I don't think I can do it again. MITCH, THIS IS WHY YOU DONT GET ATTACHED! He should've stayed away. I've done everything I can, he could've finally been happy.

My other arm snaked around my legs to hold my broken self together. I started a soothing rhythm of rocking.

Maybe you make him happy. No! He said so himself, I am the reason he got bad again. I let him go. I let him go, and he came back. Maybe he still wants you. MITCH, YOU CANT JUST WEAR YOUR HEART ON YOUR SLEEVE! Besides, let him be happy, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

You love him Mitch. You're not wearing your heart on your sleeve, he's already passed all of your tests and more. He put up with you through thick and thin. And you locked yourself in a bathroom and pushed him away when he was at his thinnest. He's fighting for you, accept it, you are important to some people.

I continued rocking. My hearing started coming back. I heard them whisper yelling. Bickering back and forth until...

"Mitchie?" A soft voice asked hopefully. "Can I come in? It's Kirstie?"

I unlocked the door and scooted a bit away so she could open it. She slipped through the thin crack and closed the door behind her. "Is he still here?" I asked as she sat in front of me so the toes of our shoes we touching. She looked at me over her knees.

"He's sitting on your bed." I reached behind my and clicked the button to lock the door again. "You okay?"

Stupid question. "Yeah. I'm fine." She scooted a bit closer to me, so we sat side by side, back against the door. She was a good friend.

"You don't belong here Mitch. I've seen you, you've changed. I don't think you're crazy, I've seen you broken before. You had an episode every day. You have improved so much, and I am so proud. You're not crazy, you just need a little help sometimes. As much as I hate the guy right now, he was there for you. He changed you. He's still here for you. I think you should give him a chance."

Oh, the stress I've been through. "I've come to the same conclusion. Send him in?"

She tried to hide her grin, but I saw it. She left to get him.

A few seconds later, I was locking the door behind him. He sat across from me, as Kirstie did not to long ago. He looked up and I saw his bright, blue eyes. It was then that I realized just how broken we both were.

I held back my tears, making a cringed face and looking up to blink away the tears. He sat there awkwardly until I practically pounced on him. He was taken aback at first, but quickly caught on and hugged me back.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you. I'm sorry," he repeated.

"No, I'm sorry. I gave up on you when you needed me most. I did what I do best, block out feelings and I'm sorry." I thought for a second. The stress I've been through this week. I started to feel a bit light headed. "You- you asked m-me if I'd be yours," I pushed out. My speech was slurring. "I will." I saw his bright smile.

But that was the last thing I saw before I became very weak and everything went black.

I made the right choice, right?

*** *** *** *** *** ***

A/n: Sorry for the crappy writing. It's like 1:15 here, and it's around exams and I can't sleep. You hate me don't you? Yup, you hate me. So, there's free pitchforks and torches over there for the riot. And I'll just be, um... yeah, I'll just be over there. 

Crazy for You (sequel to I'm not crazy)Where stories live. Discover now