chapter 1

24 2 2

Things u need to know~

Y/n -your name 

B/F/N-best friend name





I woke to my alarm being going off I swear it sounded like my best friend B/F/N when she is acting like a maniac.Anyways i headed into the shower i took a nice warm shower. It is my first day of school and I am happy and nervous at the same time.I am happy because my best friend is going there with me and nervous cause i got bullied at my last school because i have wolf ears and tail.I brush out my hair H/L H/C and put on a outfit that really suit me ( ur choice in outfit it doesnt matter because Aaron will like u ethier way *wink* *wink*)I heard my phone go off and it was a text from B/F/N i read it said this 

B/F/N-hey Y/N I will meet u in front of the school ok see u then

Y/N-ok see u then

I grabbed my B/C AND headed to the bus. I sat all the way at the back while i was walking i heard people whispering but i didn't care. Then i saw a boy sitting in the back also he had a red hoodie black pants and NO SHIRT.To be honest he looked kinda cute then i relized i was staring i saw him looking at me i blushed i thought in my mind (bold means u are in talking in ur mind) WHAT IS WRONG ME I NEVER BLUSH DO I LIKE HIM OH NO I REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I HAD A BOYFRIEND


i was sitting down until he decided to abuse me i was scared i started yelling until he pulled a knife at me U SHUT UR MOUTH U BITCH he said until a guy came in i didn't see who he was all i know is that he knocked out my ex boyfriend before i got to see his face he was gone i called the police and my ex was taken away i was so sad and angry he thought i was a nobody a week later i also found out he was cheating with B/F/N that was the first time i met her we bothed seek vengence that is why we are best friends today.

*flashback over* 

To Be Contiued .............

hey guys Sara here this is the first part of the aaron x reader next is going to be garroth x reader hope u guys enjoyed i will be posting one part everyday sometimes 2 if i have time anyways i will see u guys later and stay away from AARON~SENPAI OR I WILL HURT U 

word count: 439 

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