Chapter 2

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Kenzie's POV

I woke up this morning and went upstairs to take a shower. When I got out of the shower I Got dressed and did my make-up. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Kiara and Haley Anna talking. "Hey" I said. "Hey" they both said back. "Want to go for a walk with me and Kiara?" Haley Anna asked. "Sure" I said back.

End of POV

Kiara's POV

"Mom all of us are going for a walk" I said as I passed my mom. "Okay be careful" She said. "Okay" I said back. We were walking down the road when we passed an ice cream stand and it was really hot out so we stopped and all got an ice cream cone. We ended up walking to the beach since it wasn't far from where we lived.

End of POV

Haley Anna's POV

We were sitting in the sand and Kenzie was in the bathroom and had been gone for quite a while now. I was just about to get up and go find her when I saw her talking to some guy. "Hey Kenzie what happened to be right back?" I said to her as I was walking over to her. "Oh hey yeah sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and ran right into this guy and we started talking" She said back. "I'm sorry what's your name again?" She asked the guy. "It's Lucas" He said "Okay well me and Kiara thought something happened to you." I said to her. "Sorry, bye Lucas" she said "Bye" He said back to her.

End of POV

Kenzie's POV

Yeah I told Haley Anna that I ran into Lucas but what I didn't tell her is that I got his number as did he mine and I think I like him I know I know it's stupid I just met him but he was so cute and sweet. So I decided to text Lucas.

(Phone Convo L=Lucas K=Kenzie)

K-Hey Lucas

L-Hey Kenzie


L-nm wby

K-Same Hey want to hang out later today and get to know my friends?

L-Sure that sounds awesome!

K-Great where and what time do you want to meet up?

L-What about eight at the ice cream place?

K-Sure I'll tell them now bye


(End of Convo)

After he said bye I went to tell Kiara and Haley Anna.

End of POV

Haley Anna's POV

Kenzie just came and told me that the guy she met earlier today and her were going to meet up at the ice cream place and asked me and Kiara if we wanted to come and that's when I freaked on her. "WHAT! You are wanting to meet with a guy you ju- wait how did you two plan this?" I said cutting myself off at just. "We got each other's number earlier now answer my question are you two going or not?" She said back. "Yeah I guess" I said back to her. Honestly I didn't want to go because I know she likes him but she doesn't know how strong love can be.

End of POV

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