Chapter 1. Pain, Pain, and More Pain

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Screams and cries echoed around the room as another painful lash struck the raven-haired's back. "Garbage!" The woman yelled, watching and laughing menacingly as the man stuck the helpless boy's naked back once again. "Asymmetrical. . .Garbage!" She screamed again.

The boy continued weeping helplessly on the floor as the pain enveloped him, both physical and mental. The insults continually flying around him, the whip beating mercilessly on his back. Bleeding streaks of red continued to appear, and the previous bruises began to open up again. The boy only managed two words before he fell unconscious from the enduring pain.

"H-Help. . .me. . ." escaped his swollen lips as his eyes shut warily, knowing he'd be beaten more the next day for falling asleep. The woman laughed menacingly, a laugh that would send chills down even the toughest person's spine, as she watched the boy be beaten, enjoying the "show." Who was this woman, you ask? The boy's own mother.

The Next Day. . .
"Why couldn't he have just died?"
"He should've never even been born."
"What's up with his face?"
"He looks like a frickin hunchback!"
More insults swarmed around the raven-haired as he walked through the halls of the DWMA, trying to get to his class quickly as to not stir up trouble.

But things never go as planned, now do they? Just inches away from his classroom door, the boy was roughly shoved and pinned against the wall. "Hey, slut." A voice behind him growled as he was pressed further into the wall. The boy did not answer. He knew it was best not to. Or so they say. . .

"'Ey, Kid! Answer me when I'm talkin' to ya'!" The raven-haired, referred to as Kid, didn't answer, resulting in a hard punch in the back, making him suppress a high-pitched yelp. "Just 'cause you're Lord Death's son don't mean ya' can ignore me!" Yes, that's right. Lord Death. Kid, his full name being Death the Kid, was Lord Death's son.

"I-I'm not a slut. . ." Kid whispered, his voice cracking and weak. "What did ya' say to me, slut?~" The boy grabbed Kid's hands and pinned them above his head. "I-I said I-I'm n-not a sl-Ah!" Kid yelped as he felt something hard poke against his leg. "That's right~ You're not a slut. . ." The boy smirked,"You're my slut~"

Kid yelped again as the boy began grinding against him, his butt already sore from last night. "N-No. . .P-Please. . .s-stop. . ." Kid whispered, afraid to speak any louder. Slowly, the boy's hands slithered to the hem of Kid's jeans, earning a surprised yelp from Kid. "P-Please, just. . .leave me alone. . ." Kid whimpered, falling limp in the boy's grip.

The boy only chuckled and picked up the pace. "Ya' know, it's not cool having to watch you two dry-hump each other in the middle of the hallway." Someone grumbled from behind them. Kid slowly turned his head to see that a white-haired boy with his hands in his pockets was the one whose voice he heard. (I hope that sentence makes sense.)

"Oh, ya'? And just what're ya' gon' do 'bout it, Soul?" The boy pinning Kid sneered, glaring in the white-haired's direction. "This." The boy, known as Soul, replied before swiftly kicking the boy off of Kid, who fell to the floor in a crippled heap. (Btw, it's Kid that's in a crippled heap, not the boy that was pinning him. Sorry if that's confusing.)

"I don' know what you're thinkin', Soul, but that'll be the last time you mess with my property!"
"Yeah, yeah, just get outta here already, will ya', Jack?" (I couldn't think of anyone in the anime that would work, so I just came up with a random name and that was the name that came to me. Yeah.) With one last "Hmph," Jack got up off the floor, kicked Kid as he struggled to get up, sending him back to the floor, of course, and ran the opposite direction.

Instead of attempting to get up again, Kid curled up into a ball, pulling his knees to his chest with his arms wrapped around them, and began crying quietly, unaware that Soul was still there. Hearing the soft sniffles here and there, Soul looked down at Kid, then crouched to be eye-level with the boy. "Uh. . .Are you okay?" Soul asked in his normal voice, noticing the sobs becoming quieter.

W-What? W-Who's worried about me? Kid thought silently. Slowly, with tear-stained cheeks, Kid looked up, staring into the red orbs in front of him before nodding softly. Soul sighed, not wanting to force the boy to tell him what was up, and stood up. "Well, if you're okay, then why don't we get to class?" Soul swiftly put his hand out to help the boy up, receiving a completely different reaction than he thought.

Kid yelped, hiding his face in his hands and shutting his eyes tightly, awaiting the blow that never came. Confused, Kid looked up and saw a shocked Soul standing before him, his hand still out. "A-Aren't you going to hit me?" Kid asked softly, preparing for the blow once again. "Hit you? Why would I hit you?"

Now it was Kid's turn to be shocked. "D-Don't you hate me? E-Everybody hates me, s-so don't you?" Stunned completely, Soul replied,"No, I don't hate you. I don't care what everybody thinks 'bout ya', as long as it doesn't ruin my 'cool' reputation, of course."
"B-But I'm garbage. Asymmetrical garbage. H-How can you stand to be around me?"

"Dude, I don't think you're garbage. You haven't given me a reason to make me think that. And right now, I'm just tryin' to help ya' to class, so don't think this'll be a daily thing." Soul muttered, waiting for Kid to take his hand. Gratefully, Kid took his hand and stood up, wincing from the pain in his back. Soul swiftly helped him to the classroom, only just making it on time.

Ok, guys, that was the first chapter of my Soul Eater fanfic. I hope you liked it, and I didn't make the characters too OOC, so much so that they didn't seem like themselves. This is my first try at a Soul Eater fanfic, so hopefully you thought it was good. Um, sorry for any mistakes.
I had a huge headache while writing this, and I can't focus too well, so I've probably made quite a few mistakes. Anyway, yeah, hope you liked it. I will be continuing it. ^w^ Stay amazing, Fluffies! Peace!!✌️✌

Why Should There Be Life If It's Not Worth Living? (Soul x Kid) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now