Jane Eyre

493 13 4

I Must Go                                      

Broken up in pieces is how I feel,

Lies fly away, go far away

Now I must too.

Silent tears deep within, like a well, deep, empty, and dark,

I must go away.

Out he awaits, take me away.

My love still alive.

Thump, thump, thump (all I hear)

My heart beats with pain.

His handsome face,

Drive’s a knife through my hate.

I must go away.

I pray for his love and happiness

I pray for his safety.

He cries after me,

Yet I don’t turn.

Oh, how I wish!

But I must go.

Thump, thump, thump (all I hear)

My heart beats with pain.

Go far away I must go, to try and

Breathe again.

I must go.

Lord protect him,

For I don’t know what I’d do,

If she’d take him away.

I leave myself with you, I must go now sir.

Thump, thump, thump,

Is all I hear.

My heart,

 My heart beats with unheard pain.

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