Shu and Hann:Bad words~Prologue

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How the hell do you write a book?

A ten year old brain hooked on its own wild dreams racked itself for new ideas.

Shu? What happened? Have you been crying?

'Crap! I'm thinking again! Argh! Stop! Let me concentrate!'

Oh, oh my...

Hann began screaming at himself again almost to the point where he literally couldn't feel his face. A furiated voice burst into the room.

"My God! Hann! I told you to stop this disgusting behaviour!" His mother was visibly hurt: physically and emotionally.

"Shu...Miss, he's back!" Hann replied. He was flailing maniacally.
His mother's face fell at the word 'miss'.
'Oh, he's having another episode...I don't know how to deal with him.', Hann's mother thought.
"Honey," She said, "Shu wasn't real... Please, calm down."
Hann stopped flailing for a second and slowly analysed his mother's words. He then said,
"Who are you?"

'I am Hann. I just wanted to write a story... before you showed up.'

'Oh, really? Then why don't you write about me? I have a very interesting background.'

'No! Don't make me think about the sick things you've done! I want to write about happy things'

'Well, I took joy in ~~~~~~~ her. That's happy'

'Why am I still friends with you?'

'Because, deep down... you agree with what I did and you sympathize with me. Admit it.'

'I am only ten. Why do you do this to me?'

'Oh it's me now? You were the one who began reading. You had all the power in the world to put the book down but you kept reading. You're an IDIOT'

'Bad words'

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