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Using this app is amazing. It allows me to stay totally anonymous and voice out my thoughts. I could be anyone and that is an amazing possibility. I was always amazed at the new technology that humans have created. It is just insane to think that anyone could create anything they want. It is just up to their imagination. So if you want to do something amazing today, let your imagination run wild, have all the fun in the world you can have now. As time passes, you realize you are unable to do what you used to be able to do. And that is scary...

I currently live in a really small country, called singapore. I wont give you the exact details of where i live but its just for your extra knowledge that i live in Singapore. Living in singapore has been amazing. Although alot of things have been nice, there is for sure one thing that everyone hates in Singapore. And that one thing is the weather. It is just really terrible. It can be hot for days and there will be no rain. It is just awfully terrible.

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