Christmas eve

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T'was the night before Christmas.
And all through the house.
Not a creature was stirring.
Not even a mouse...

Or so you thought.

Ah yes, the night before Christmas, where every child is now asleep and warm on their beds, dreaming about sugar plums and that gorgeous, gaily dressed tree from underneath which will be chock-full of presents when they open their eyes once again. Perhaps they'll dream about what type of presents they'll get, the precious little dears; a bike, a doll, maybe even a pet such as a dog or a cat. Each toy should bring joy to the hearts of the innocent.... And the not so innocent.


I'm talking about you, yes you, the one who lays buried underneath a mountain of fluffy covers in an effort to stay warm on such a chill night. You've been naughty haven't you? And you should be sleeping, you were, a few minutes ago. But, something has made quite a large bump hasn't it? And your drowsy mind is too foggy with sleep to think about who it might be. Perhaps it is Saint Nicholas, landing on the hearth of your ashen fireplace; the thought fills you with greedy glee. Perhaps if you go and catch him in the act, he'll give you even more presents than you already deserve! You pull the covers off you, sliding to the floor with a small thump. The cold is what wakes you up completely, and you shiver, grabbing a blanket and pulling it around your tiny form. Slowly you begin to creep to the door, hearing the noises of somebody moving around in the living room.


The noise makes you hesitate at your door, which is ajar and opens to complete darkness. This could be sleighbells ringing..but its different from what you thought It'd be. You pull the blanket tighter around your small, warm body as a draft comes through the door. You slowly reach out, with one pale hand, and push it open even more; causing it to creak loudly. You freeze as the sounds stop for a moment, but relax when they start up again, more insistent. You walk out tentatively, your heart so full of greed that you don't stop to consider the strange chuckle you hear, a noise like grated glass. One pale hand runs along the cold wall, not wanting to fall and alert Saint Nicholas. Soon enough, your at the halfway point when you hear footsteps.

Clump! Clop! Clump! Clop! Clump!

They're uneven, one more like a humans footstep, the other can't figure it out. You stop for a second, but then continue, knowing Saint Nicholas must be nearly done if he's making so much noise. You hurry faster, the footsteps coming close to the closed living room door. Pale feet patter the floor as you throw yourself through the living room doorway, and freeze in place. A figure stands tall just a little ways from you, not facing the door way. It's body is covered in matted, dark brown fur, shaggy and unkempt. A basket is on the ground next to its feet, one shaped like a humans, with claw like nails...and the other a single cloven hoof. Horn like antlers lay atop its shaggy head, large and misshapen. Your little mouth drops open, every part of your body suddenly regretting getting out of bed. For you know who it is, having been warned about him many times. The figure turns, and grins horribly at you. He utters no words as he slowly moves in your direction, feet clomping the floor.

Clump! Clop! Clump! Clop! Clump!!

Your little eyes widen, and you turn, dashing down the hallway; blanket clutched close to your heaving chest. Another chuckle reaches your ears, harsh and loud. Oh, you've forgotten about your blanket haven't you? In your terror, you've held onto it, needing a sort of security. Well, now your pale feet catch onto the warm cloth, and you trip, falling with a loud thump. The footsteps come closer and closer, until they stop right next to your fallen body. You curl up in terror, trembling and shaking as hands grip the blanket ends; cocooning you within its folds. Your lifted up, and begin to sway as the creature begins to walk back to the living room. He stops, bending and picking up his basket; and you feel yourself get shoved inside. Your blanket muffles your cries of terror and becomes damp with your tears, and you can barely breath, the blanket having been shoved up against your face when he put you in there. Oh yes, you've been very _very_ naughty this year.

Merry Christmas from Krampus~!!

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