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"Let these eyes tell the tale until it is too late." - Junaid e Mustafa

DEDICATION: Leabobea for the priceless comments. Keep doing what you do, I love them!

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"This is Westerden Optome-"

"Have you played Just Dance before?"

"I- I- uh- pshhhh, no! Of course not!"

"Why do you sound like a dying cat?"

"I'm offended! I do not sound like a dying cat!"

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"You've played Just Dance before, haven't you?"

"Oh, come on! It was only once! My sister made me do it, okay?! Retina, why do you shame and torment me so? I'd really rather not think about dancing!"

"Fine, whatever. You ever played Mario Kart?"

"Obviously! I'm surprised that you have, though."

"Who's your favourite character?"


"That was the most freakin' adorable voice I've ever heard! How the heck did you manage to do that?"

"Haha, thank you. I pride myself on being able to do Yoshi voices."

"Well, my favourite character is Rosalina, since she's so kick butt and doesn't give any craps about anything. For example, if someone screams, 'YO WHAT UP ROSALINA IN DA HOUSE!', people will look. I guarantee that people will care."

"How sure would you be?"

"Seventy eight point three percent sure."

"Yet that leaves the other twenty one point seven percent hanging. How rude of you!"

"Not as rude as your face!"

"Anyway,  I thought you'd be more of a Princess Peach kind of gal."

"Please do not say the word gal ever again."

"Woah there, sorry Princess! Er, I mean, may I call you Princess?"

"Uhh- well, yeah, sure! I'm flattered, Peanut."

"Well, you're welcome, Princess."

"It doesn't make me hate you any less, though."

"We love the ones we hate."


"Bye, Retina."

"...Woah wait, what did you say before?!"

Eye Drops (#2)Where stories live. Discover now