Chapter 1

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Tristan's life is great in the fortress. Food. Entertainment. Huge living space. Friends. An amazing father. School.

But today is the first day of high school.
Oh, and he's late.

His alarm is blaring in his ear as he sits up and checks what time it is.

Tristan is an average guy. 15, about 6 foot. Dark black hair that swoops to the side and an inch from the eye brow. He has long legs and apparently has tiny ears.(As he's been told)

Tristan lives in the Fortress. The safest place on earth. So says the Watch-Bots repeatedly. The Fortress in a home for the population that used to be the USA about 670 years ago. It lies hundreds of miles from the surface. It provides food and safety from the surface. The Fortress was build because of humans failure of protecting the earth.

All the C2O in the atmosphere has causes the earth to heat up rapidly.

The US government decide to move the population underground before things got to bad.

They were the only one to do this and save humanity.

An now the remainder of cizalization life in an underground fortress, thousands of miles wide.

And everyone is happy and safe.

But that all that happiness ended when school comes around and Tristan has 12 minets to get to the final transport.

He jumps out of bed and scrambles to his closet.

Tristan's room is everything he could ask for. A TV, video game consoles, fridge, kingsize bed, a desk, and a Buttload of room to spare. Perfect.
Like everything in the Fortess

But it doesn't hurt to clean it. Right when he gets up he trips on a pile of old close and hits his head on the corner of his desk.

"Sir. Your transport leaves in 11 minets"

"Yeah. I know! Just get my backpack ready you stupid Bot!"

Dijy (As Tristan calls him) is Tristan's Watch-Bot. His assistant for well... Everything.

"Your father left for the Drill two minets and 31 seconds ago" Dijy informed him, "And he forgot to wake you. So I set an emergency alarm to wake you."

"You set it to late Dijy!", Tristan yelled and he shoved on some pants.

He always thought Dijy had a programming fault. He always messed up on the stupidest things. Like opening doors. Yesterday he slammed into the door three time before realizing it wasn't open. Dijy also can't cook. One thing that Watch-Bots are ment to do.

And when Tristan tries to tell his father to try and replace it his father refuses. Some junk about 'keeping the order.'

Anyway, Tristan is still putting on his self fitting uniform for school when he runs to the restroom to brush his teeth.

"That is false. It takes you 5 minets to get changed and at full sprint down the hallways you will get to the transport 2 minets and 21 seconds before it departs."

Dijy was now floating at the door way of the bathroom.

Dijy is about 1 square foot big. He is a shiny steel ball with a 6 inch diameter digital eye it the center.

The Watch-Bots always seem to repair themselves even though personal Watch-Bot don't usually leave the house.

That's another thing about the Fortress. You never see official workers. Only Watch-Bots.

But you never ask why. That is rule one of the Fortress. 'Live life with out questioning anything.'

Tristan remembers asking his father why they never see workers in the Fortress. And his father's answer is simple and never answers much. 'I can't tell. They won't let me.'

His father was always quiet. He acted like he knew more than he told.

"Maybe I want to walk there, Dijy!" Tristan snapped back with a mouth full of tooth paste.

Dijy hovered to the kitchen to prepare breakfast "You never walk sir."

That was true. You don't know how many times he got in trouble because of his running. He was always told that running in the hallways was going to get someone injured. But he knew that his reflexes were fast enough if someone got in the ways.

Beside Tristan loved running. He always felt so confined living underground. Running made him feel free. As if he were in a forest. A real one. With real bark and real leafs. With animals that weren't cloned. Not like the one the Holo-Chambers create.

Tristan rushed to the living room which was connected to the kitchen. In fact the only this seperating the living room from the kitchen was a small counter.

Dijy was at work making food. Or trying to.

All Dijy managed to make was a peice of bread with tons of cereal on top.....
And the plate was on top of the food instead of under it.

Dijy, suddenly realizing his mistake, extended a small robotic hand to lift the plate off his now smushed bread and cereal concocsoin.

Who needed food anyway, Tristan though as he grabbed his stuff and headed for the door.

"Have a nice day, si-" Digy was cut off by the door sliding shut and Tristan left.

He was now at full sprint down the circular hall way hoping the get the school on time.

'Ok,' he thought as he scidded around a corner and almost slamming into some security Watch-Bots, 'Let high school begin.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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