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Here is the dark story about boyfriends_________________________
You once had a boyfriend, his name was Justin. We met at a party.I really liked him. We dated for two months. He kept pressuring me to have sex with him. But I wanted to wait until marriage. It was until the 2nd month until he forced me. I tried to make him stop but my effort was useless. I cried until he started to hurt me. Every time I would yell for help ,he punched me. If I fought back he would fight harder. He took advantage of me. He took pictures of me, and he knew how insecure I was . The next day he sent them to his best friends.I was heart broken. He told me he was sorry but he didn't mean it. The next day he broke up with me. I couldn't stand him. I told my mom and she was so upset. Not with me, with Justin. That's why we moved. It was too much too handle with my mom. She well she committed suicide she had a long history with depression as well. My dad was single and he had a depressed daughter. He thought if we moved it would refresh our lives. So when we did, he met Cameron's mom and they fell in love.

And that's why having a boyfriend is scary for you______________________

"Amber are you okay ?" Cameron asked knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yeah I'm fine "you said wiping off the tears you had in your cheeks

"Can I come in ? Do you want to talk ? Are you not feeling well ? "

"Yeah "
he walked  in as you gave him permission

"Um no it's just I - I can't tell you "

"Okay I understand " Cameron said

"Do you need anything? " Cameron asked, he sounds like he is really worried about you.

"No I think I'll be fine " you said with a fake smile.

"Okay but if you need anything just let  me know" he said giving you a gentle hug

"Thank you Cameron " you said with a smile and wiped his away another tear. He smiled at you then walked out.

You walked to your room with caution making sure Matthew didn't see you. When you got to your room you closed and locked the door and pressed your back to it. You sank to the floor with the memory of Justin. You cried and cried but nobody could hear you. You walked over to your bed and felt so bad for Matthew. You could hear him down stairs telling Hayes on how he tried to make a move. He just wanted to be your boy friend and you rejected him without a reason. You never meant to hurt him, you just aren't really ready for another relationship.

Okay I'm not sure when I will publish this cuz I typed this the same day as the last chapter so I have no idea when you are seeing this but oh well ! Hope this chapter wasn't too much 😂


My half brother Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now