Two days later here's what happened so far. Alice found out Mike was a wold and is still shock that there other friend Kayla didn't tell her. Mike found out Alice was a wolf but never told her. And it's their birthday.Alice's POV
"HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME ABOUT THIS?I screamed into Kayla's face. "Gee I don't know probably the fact that HE WANTED TO TELL YOU." "Oh." "Yea now you didn't here anything. Mike is walking this way." I turned around and saw Mike walking with backpack over his shoulder. "Hey guys what's up?" He asked us both. I didn't answer but Kayla did. And I wish she didn't. "Lets get this over with." She grabbed me and Mike and pushed all three of us into the janitors closet. You may think it's small but it's huge. "Mike, Alice you are both wolves. You two were suppose to tell each other but you guys are to slow and afraid to say anything. Oh and Mike she was the one who saw you in the woods." Well damn.
"Um Alice I kind of knew you were a wolf." Wait excuse me. "What are you talking about I never showed any of you guys my wolf." I said trying to save myself. "I saw the way your eyes changed whenever you get mad. Or whenever your wolf takes over. "Her name is Sara." I said defending my wolf. "My wolf's name is Jake." He said. RINNNGGG. RRRRIIIINNNNGGGG. "Cone on that the last bell. Lets go before we get late to class." I said pulling them behind me. I was kind of relief that both my friends know my secret. "Well well well what do we have here. If it isn't Mike and Alice. Where were you two?" Ms. Alison asked. She was another teacher who thinks we are going out. "Walking to ugly boring class what's it look like." I said shoving past her pulling Mike behind her.
Mike's POV
While we were writing Alice kept passing me notes. "Hey aren't you excited to find out who your mate is?" One of the notes said. With all that has been happening recently I have forgotten about my mate. "Yes." I wrote back to her. Then the notes stop. Ring. Ring. RRRRIIIINNNNGGGG. The bell sounded and everyone rushed out of class. Me and Alice walked to her house. "Alice can you believe our parents throw our parties together?" I asked. "Yes I can they know we are best friends." She chuckled. "Well you need to get to your house and get ready for the party. Ill see you there." Alice said closing the door. I rushed home the party was in an hour and I have to wear something for my mate. "Mom!" I yelled when I went into my room she was looking for clothes. "What? I'm helping you pick out clothes for later on today. Your meeting your mate." She said taking out everything that was in my closet on the bed. "Ill be in the shower." I said and went to the bathroom. "Sup." Someone said to me but when I looked around no was there. I got into the shower and waited to see if the voice was still there. "Dummy it's me your wolf Jack." I knew that. "What do you want?" I questioned him. "Noting much just to hi I just got here. But you are in the shower and I got to go. Bye." And with that he left. I got out the shower, wrapped the towel around my waist and went to my room. My mom wasn't there, she was probably in the kitchen. She left a note reading, "Mikey wear this today." When i looked I saw my khaki shorts and a Polo shirt lying on my bed. I changed and looked outside. Everyone was preparing for tonight. I really hope I don't blow it tonight with my mate.
Alice's POV
"What am I going to wear?" I thought to myself. I should look presentable for my mate. "Hey girl." Someone said. "Who said that?" I asked out loud. "Girl stop screaming it's me your wolf Sara." I knew that. "Oh hey could you help me pick out an outfit." "Sure let's see." She waited a while before talking. "Wear that white shirt that looks like it's knitted. And your regular jeans." She said before I could question why she said bye. I changed into my clothes and walked to Mike's house the party is always at his house. Just because my house is a little close to school and his is more hidden. When i went inside music was playing loud and everyone moved out of my way. "ALICE!" Everyone yelled and picked me up. I started giggling until they put me down. Wait the party already started. But it's starts at 7. I looked at my watch and it was 25 minutes before 8. Whoops. I started dancing with everyone until I smelled something that made my wolf go off. Cologne. Mate. "Mate!" Sara started crying out. "Follow that smell Alice." I walked and walked until I smelled it again. My mate was turned around. I jumped on his back and whispered mate into his ear.
Mike's POV( I'm awesome.)
"MATE!" My wolf called out. I just heard him and right when I was going to turned around someone jumped on my back. "Mate." They whispered in my ear. She started kissing my neck. I groaned in pleasure. "Well well well. If it isn't Alice." My eyes widened. I turned around and we were face to face. Her eyes turned purple and I could tell my eyes were black. "Mike your my mate." She said in a whisper. My wolf took control and kissed her. Her lips we're so soft. She instantly kissed back. She pulled away and my wold growled. "Come on they are cutting the cake." She said taking my hand in hers. When we got to the table there was two cakes. Everyone sang happy birthday and when they were finished Alice grabbed the frost and put it on my face and I did the same. Then we kissed and someone in the crowd yelled "I knew it." And we both laughed into the kiss.1050 words. This is my longest chapter. The pic is what she wore. See ya in the next chapter. Oh and now they are on winter break.

My Mate Is My Best Friend
WerewolfAlice loves to hang out around school and pull pranks. She's best friends with Mike. Mike was always friends with Alice. He was werewolf. But so was she. They never knew that both of them were wolves. It was until her 18th birthday came when they re...