Chapter 4

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Tweeks POV
*knock knock*

Gah, that scared me. Guest someone's at the door.

"HEY SPAZ GET THE DOOR." Yelled Cartman even those he's like two walks close to the door then I am.

"Lazy fat ass." I whispered to myself hoping he wouldn't here.

I walk to the door and opened it to see a dude in tights.

"Invitation from the Queen and King."

"T-Thank you." I grabbed the card and he walked away.

I guess this is the part when I see the prince, lose a shoe somehow, and I fall in love with him because he finds a stupid shoe. Corny but its a way to get out of this dream/nightmare.

I open the invitation and just what I suspected. It says:

Your invited to the Prince's Birthday ball. All LADIES and gentlemen is invited. It's tonight at 10 and ends at 1.
-The King and Queen

Why did they have Ladies in all caps?

"I'll take that. Snoopy little boy." My mom snatched the invitation out my hand and read it loudly so that Cartman and Butters can hear.

"Mom do we have to go. It's obvious that they don't want guys to go." Said Cartman.

"Look lets just go. It's at the castle. The greatest place you guys will ever go to."

"Ugh fine."

"C-Can I go." I asked shyly

"Hell no. You probably don't even have anything nice to put on. You'll embarrass me and your brothers. You'll stay here and finish cleaning and doing the chores you haven't done."

"Fine you didn't have to give me a whole damn speech."

"What did you say Twitch." Even she calls me twitch?

"N-Nothing mother." I went down stairs.

*Time skipped*

I was home... alone. Nothing happened and I almost gave up until I saw a flashing light.

Prince Craig's POV

"Lady's and gentlemen. All hail Prince Craig."

When I was come down the steps with my dad and mums, I saw girls almost passing out from fangirling and my relatives looking at me in disappointment.

It's probably because of what I'm wearing. A black 21 pilots shirt with a red tie, black skinny jeans, and a red tusks jacket with red converses. I was forced already to take off my blue hat and piercings at least let me wear this.

Through out the party every girl came to me. Some wanted to and some was pushed by my family.

I couldn't even dance or do anything with out all these girls in the way. So I just sat in my throne waiting for "true love."

That's when a fat ass and blonde chick, I think, came towards me.

"You look cool." Said the fat ass.


"My names Butters and this is my brother Cartman." Said the over joy blonde.

"Nice to meet you." I said sarcastically while crossing my legs and putting my hand under my chin.

"Hey I know you. Don't you have another brother."

"Yeah but... He couldn't make it. He was sick and he looks horrible, just horrible." Said Cartman.

Something tells me he's lying. But, I trust him since I just met him.

Tweek POV


"I'm your fairy godmother."

"W-Wait... CLYDE."

"Hello Tweek."

To be continued. Sorry I didn't update in a while. SCREW YOU SCHOOL. I'll update tomorrow maybe. BAIII.

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