Chapter 2 (Not edited)

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I was awoken by knocking. No not knocking, pounding. It was my sister, Sabrina. She always came over to our parents house. She has her own apartment, but she spends most of her days here.

I looked over at my alarm clock, 2:36. Only six minutes after school and she's already here. I struggled to get out of bed. There was a pounding in my head, not just the door.

I walked down the never ending hallway. I placed my hand on everything sturdy to regain my balance. I was really dizzy and felt a headache coming.

I waited a few seconds to open the door. Not only to prepare myself for my sisters rudeness but also to let my head stop spinning.

"Open up, I know you're here Madeline!" Sabrina shouted those words so loudly I'm pretty sure the neighbors heard. I opened the door and headed straight back to my room.

"Why did you take so long to answer the door?" I was too dizzy to even realize she was talking to me.

"I..I was sleeping." I yawned to make sure she knew I wasn't lying. She glared at me.

"Well hurry up next time. I don't like to wait." She softend her voice, but I could still hear the coldness in her voice. I walked to my room and closed the door quickly. I asked myself if I should lock it. I would certainly feel safer with the door locked, but there wasn't a need to. I locked the door. Locking my door felt like I had to do it, even though there wasn't a reason to.

I realized I hadn't even taken a shower. Did I really forget to do that? I grabbed a towel from my chair and hopped into the cold shower.

Showers were never my safe place. They gave me to much time to think. Too much consideration. Too much silence.

I will never forget that day. When I first tried to self-harm. It wasn't as successful as I wanted it to be, but I got somewhere.

I wanted to be out of here as quickly as possible. I mixed my shampoo and conditioner together. I plopped the mixture on the top of my head and began to scrub. I rinsed my hair off. I then grabbed my face wash and mainly focused on my forehead.

I got out of the shower and dried off. I headed out of the bathroom and too my dresser. I grabbed some undergarments, sweat pants and a sweater. I hung my towel on my chair and got dressed.

I felt so much better. That's the only thing I liked about taking showers- the clean feel. It was just a good feeling, you're skin was smooth, you smelt like water and shampoo, your hair was soft. It was just an amazing feeling for me.

I brushed my hair being careful to not pull on the small tangles to hard. My hair was a little past my shoulders, still to short. I put my hair up into a loose ponytail and laid on my bed. That's when I realized something.

My blade. I lost my blade. I looked under the blankets, on the floor and moved all of the pillows around. Yet I still couldn't find that thing.

"Don't panic Matt. It'll be okay." I said out loud to myself. I took a deep breath in, then exhaled out. I'm so freaking stupid! Why would I sleep with a blade? Why Matt, why? I left that problem alone for now. I had other things to do.

I grabbed my backpack and took out my binder. I had 2 missing assignments from math and another one from science. I quickly finished both of them. I had pretty good grades for how much I didn't pay attention.

Once I finished the three assignments I stood up and walked to my door. I slowly unlocked the door. I was scared to open the door just because of Sabrina.

I opened my door and headed to the kitchen. I didn't pass Sabrina in the living room so she must be in the bathroom. I checked the fridge and cupboards. I found some old tortilla chips. Good enough for me.

"You got enough of those fat ass?" I just took the whole bag, like usual. I just hated putting chips in a bowl and not getting enough.

"You shouldn't be worried about my body." I said with a smirk.

"Well at least I come out of my room other than food!" She screamed at me while I strolled down the hallway. You live by yourself for fucks sake. "You turn around when I talk to you!"

Shut up..shut up! I hated her voice and the way she used it. Always yelling or screaming. "Hey!" She shouted at me. I didn't bother to look back. There's no reason to start a fight.

I slammed my door shut. It was a way to let go of some of my anger. There wasn't much anger from that incident, but there was enough from all the other happenings. She threw something at my door, I'm not sure what though.

"Real mature!" I yelled out. She was three years older than me and still acted like a 13 year old when she got mad. But look at me, slamming my door.

I threw the chips on to my bed. I leaned up against the wall and took a deep sigh. I hated Sabrina Lynn Rory with all my heart.

I sat down on my bed and ate some stale chips. I grabbed my phone that was still in my backpack. I unlocked it and had one new message. Ahh it was Lane. Lane is my best friend, in fact my only friend. But sadly, she lived a few towns away from me.

Lane had to leave when her dad started to abuse her. I can never forget when she ran to my house in tears. I wanted to beat the living hell out of her dad. But I controlled my feelings and stayed there for Lane. She stayed with us for a few nights but the court ordered her to move in with her aunt and aunt.

My face lit up when I read the three words on the screen.

I'm coming home.

I wanted to cry from happiness.

When? How long are you staying?

I'll be leaving in a few days. I'll only be staying for a week. I can't miss much school.

Okay okay, I'm sooo happy! I can't wait to see my jewel. :)

I always called her my jewel. Mainly because of her middle name Ruby.
I'm pretty sure I was going to shit bricks when I saw her.

Hey guys!! I wanted to let you know that I will try to post once every week. :) Before anyone says this, I know a ruby is a mineral.
Just letting you guys know this right now that Matt will be meeting her saviour in a few chapters. Well I'm off, so happy reading. :)

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