Break Up

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  • Dedicated to my dear brother, i love him so much

Author's note: This isn't autobiographical. My brother just got  dumped, and I was inspired to write this poem. I hope he is doing okay.

One day everything was fine,

It was perfect

Just you and me

Our whole lives to go,

But you ended it,

Just like that.

You said goodbye,

Said we were done

After two years of happiness.

Now what am I to do,

I thought it was set

Our future together,

Just you and me

Together forever.

We were so happy,

And though apart

Separated by miles and state lines

We were making it work.

You had your job,

I had mine.

But we were perfect for each other.

But you said goodbye,

Let me fall,

Crushed my spirit

And broke my heart

Just like that.

I thought it came to the point

Where love will no longer break my heart

But I guess I was wrong,

As now I’m left

With yet another broken heart.

We were in love,

Shared so many things,

But you said goodbye

Said we were through.

Now I sit in my apartment

And I cry

Thinking of our sweet memories.

This end came out of no where

One day we were fine

Then you call

And say it is over.


What did I do?

Did I do something wrong?

Was it all my fault?

We were so happy,

So very much in love,

Then one day came

And you ended it all.

You said goodbye to me,

Left me all alone.

Love broke my heart

Once again,

Ended my happiness

And sent me to the brink.


I shall miss you.


It pains me to say it.

I gave you all,

And you ripped it all out.

I gave you all,

And you ripped it all out.


It pains me

To say we are done,

After two years of happiness and peace

But you decided you had enough of me

And you were through with me.


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