Chapter 2: A Mothers Love

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|| P.O.V. Saya ||

I woke up to the sound of food sizzling and birds chirping obnoxiously. I opened my eyes and yawned. The smell of eggs, rice, and bacon greeted my nose. If anything could get me out of bed... It was bacon and rice, achally it was just food in general. I jumped up and opened my closet, scanning threw the piles of clothing. After a moment of consideration I disided I wanted to train today. I grabbed my tight white shirt, my jacket, and my pants. I changed as fast as I could.

"Saya-chan!" my mom called, "it's time to wake up!"

"coming mom!" I called back before tying my hair back into two ponytails, I vasened a dark green ribbon in my hair. One day the ribbon would be replace with my own headband! The leaf villages symbol proudly displaced for everyone to see!

I practically skipped down the short hallway and into the kitchen.

My mom laughed lightly when she saw me.

"well your in a good mood arn't you, my little Saya-chan?" she gave me a closed eyed grin and held out the pan she was cooking in, "do you want something to eat?"

I nodded eagerly. My stomach was starting to make weird sounds...

After taking a couple bites of my breakfast I looked at my mom and frowned. She was wearing her jounin vest, her pink shirt, and her black shorts. Hanging eligantly around her neck was the necklace my grandmother had given her, and her long blonde hair rested gentaly across her back. Glancing down at her feet I frowned deeper." She already had socks on... Turning in my chair I looked at the door. Sure enough her sandals where right there ready to go.

"Do you have a mission today mom?" I looked up at her halfway hoping she would say no.

"hmm?" she way only halfway listening, "yes I'm escorting a nobleman back to his home in the sand... Why?" her green eyes met mine, couriosity shone out of them.

"no reason" I mummbled pushing my food around my plate.

"Saya..." she put the dishes down and walked over to me. Her fingers lightly combed threw my pigtails. "what is it honey?"

"nothing's wrong mom" I laughted lightly but it was clearly forced. My mother frowned.

"if nothing was wrong you'd be stuffing your face with eggs right now." I sweatdropped.

"Gee thanks mom!"

She laughted lightly and grinned at me.

"it's not my fault your so much like your father, my little Saya-chan" she pulled a chair up to the table next to me. "now tell me what's on your mind."

I glanced up at the clock and smiled half heatedly at her scratching the back of my head with my hand, "don't you have a nobleman to be escorting?" I mummbled.

She just laughted at me," honey, nothing is more important then you!" she put her finger under my chin and tilted my head up smiling at me. "you and your father are my whole world, there isn't anywhere in the entire world, or any mission I wouldn't give up, to be sitting right here talking to you"

I felt tears build up in the corner of my eyes as I gazed up at my mother. Our eyes where exact replicas of each others, and of my grandfathers. My mother often told me story's of how our clan used to have eyes like ours, but looking at my mothers eyes now... It was hard to imagion my eyes ever being that pretty. Her eyes shone in love and compassion.

"well.. Dad never showed up at Ichiraku's ramen last night, I waited out front for hours!" my voice started to shake a little as I held back tears," I stayed untill they closed and when I went to the hokages office he was sleeping at the desk!"

Something flashed deep within my mothers eyes but it was gone just as quickly as it appeared.

"your fathers a very busy man Saya-chan..." she frowned and hugged me before getting up and walking back to the sink to wash dishes,"I'm sure he didn't mean to stand you up."

I signed and picked at my food again.

It was wrong of me to be do upet about dad... And now mom was upset to! I sunk lower into my seat and signed.

Just then I heard the door open and turned to see my father smiling as he walked in.

"good morning Saya! Good morning Yuki-" my dads vioce was interrupted by a cast-ion pan hitting his forhead. My mother was across the room in a flash.

"HOW DARE YOU STAND UP OUR DAUGHTER!!! SHE WAS WAITING IN THE COLD FOR HOURS BECAUSE OF YOU!!" flames danced in my mothers eyes and smoke streamed out her ears.

I almost sweatdropped, she was fine a minute ago...

Dad looked at mom with wide eyes, blood ran down his forhead where the pan hit.

"Y-Yuki calm down!" he studdered and looked at me for help.

I relized later that I probably should have stepped in and helped him, but at the time I was still to upset. So I folded my arms across my chest and stuck my nose in the air.


"SAYA?!" my dad cryed and my mom started hitting him over the head again.


I took another bite of my breakfast before getting up and throwing the rest in the trash. I wasnt sure what boys my mom was talking about but whatever. I put the plate in the sink and took a final look at my parents. My mother was healing my dad, but she was still yelled at the top of her lungs at him. My dad was giving her puppy dog eyes and apologizing. I laughed lightly and went back into my room.

Sliding my sandels into my bag and a couple of my favorite weapons I opened my window and jumped out, leaving my mother and fathers voices behind. Now it was off to the training fields!


There you have it! Another chapter down!

In this chapter all creadit for the character Yuki, Yuki's clan, and Yuki's eyes goes to the fabulous Brooke Simmons of course!! If you liked my story you MUST read hers!!

Ok guys so I want three votes this time and then I'll upload the next chapter!!

Comment!!!! (Im begging) if you love me remember corrections and being rude are totally different

Vote- if you liked this chapter and you want to read more!

Add to your libery if you want a big old firefly hug!! And for those who already added **hugggg** xD

And fan if you want a mention in the next chapter!! Love you guys!!

Untill next time!!

Ps. This was kind of a filler chapter while I diside a couple things x3 I promise the next chapter will be three times better!!

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