Chapter 5

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The following day when I got up, my mind was rushing with thoughts of breaking the news to my mom and dad. I was still stuck on the idea of not even telling them at all.

"Tell her; it's to help them. They'll understand." I hated how true my conscience sounded.

It was more reasonable lately. After a quick shower, I decided to go with my gut and tell them. I walked down the hall and into the kitchen, where my mum was finishing breakfast. She's been doing that often, fixing breakfast and stuff. I still don't think she's entirely over the whole Maddie thing.

We were all sitting at the table calmly eating. There was a peaceful silence that fell over us.

"So, how was your night, honey? You came home pretty late last night." My mom asked.

"Long hours," I shrugged, running my hand through my hair.

"Tell her, get it over with." The little voice at the back of my head urged, causing me to groan out loud.

"What is it, son?" My dad asked.

"Well, I sorta made a deal with Purdy; you get Maddie, Mrs. K gets Chance, and you won't ever have to make payments if he gets me," I breathed quietly.

"What the hell were you thinking? We've been through enough already!" My dad yelled, slamming his fist into the table before standing up and leaving.

My mother stared at me, jaw hanging open and eyes wide.

"Well..." I couldn't help looking down at the floor.

"Andrew!" She screamed at me.

"How could you be so reckless!?"

Her answer didn't take me by surprise at all, but her tone of voice did. She never got this angry about anything.

"I did it for Chance and Maddie! I did it for us, Mom!" I yelled to her, almost as angry as she was; why couldn't they understand where I was coming from.

Doesn't she realize how important this is? Our family would be debt-free. Chance and Maddie wouldn't be slaves anymore!

Her hand reached out and slapped me hard across my face, dropping her glass of water in the process and watching it shatter to the floor. My hand slowly rested on the red print on my cheek, and I stared into her raging blue eyes.

"Don't you dare take that tone of voice with me, Andrew!" She snapped, tears already streaming down her face.

It broke my heart to see her like that, and the anger I had quickly subsided.

"I'm sorry, mom, I was just trying to help," I murmured.

"I know, baby boy, I know. I just wish you would've talked to us first before you made such a big decision." She soothed.

"I know, mom, and I'm sorry, but on the bright side of things, I won't have that long with him anyway and no payments... ever!" I said, trying to get her to see the bigger picture.

"That does sound nice." She replied.

"I know, but I gotta get to work," I stated, standing from my seat.

"The breakfast was amazing, by the way," I added as I headed towards the door.

"Be home before dinner."

"No promises," I replied, trying not to smile.

"Andy." She spoke in a warning tone.

"Okay, okay, I'll try." I gave, holding my hands up in surrender.

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