New Shoes and Perfect Hair

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I saw you today

In your new shoes and perfect hair

Your eyes telling endless love

You were swooning over her

And she was buying into it

But only I know what you really are

A shelf of broken promises?

A demon in denial?

Whatever you are, who could love such a thing?

I know I am the answer to my own question

But I still hate you

And I hate what you did

I hate who you are

And I hate what we've become

I hate your new shoes

And I hate your perfect hair

I hate your eyes and thier endless love.

Maybe it's a lie

Because it cannot be real

That I want you in my life

But sweet, I DON'T MISS YOU

I'm glad you're gone

I don't want to see your gorgeous face

I don't care if you've given up

Or if you'll ever love again

"Love", isn't it just so horrid?

In all its horrid ways?

I know what you were to me...

A friend... someone I loved...

But what the hell was I to you?

A toy to be played with when needed?

An accessory to wear on your neck?

If that's your idea of love

Have fun sweet!

Make them go wild for you

As I did

Have fun with your ugly shoes and boring hair

Have fun with your stupid overrated love and eyes that tell it


I still wish

They told it to me.

Thanks for reading guys! Tell me what you think :) I wrote this a while ago and the more I write the better I get so all advice is appreciated <3

Hannah xo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2013 ⏰

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