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 a/n: warning not edited, at all, and beware of lots of cussing etc. 

also you should all check out January's story a girl who cried wolf. it's a beautiful werewolf story with a twist. click on the icon to go to her page c: she also made the beautiful cover!


I was in my element.

The lights were pulsing, the music was booming, my hips swaying. I threw my head back and closed my eyes, the dance floor was packed and full of sweaty bodies; but all I could focus on was the thudding of my heart, the euphoria erupting in my veins, and the skin on skin contact from the people besides me. It was bliss.

I don't know how long I was dancing, high on everything around me. When the music began to slow down so did my movements and I was just on the dance floor, barely swinging my hips. The heat began to subside, like it always did when I took ecstasy. The other dancers began to leave until I was one of the last people actually still awake and moving. I could already feel my body turning to jello and my feet aching, the symptoms of a hangover from the drugs and alcohol was beginning to show it's colors, turning the dull pounding in my head to a deep throbbing that had me gritting my teeth.

I stepped towards the kitchen to get a beer from the counter, I took a swig from the bottle and grabbed by purse before walking out of the house. I began walking, the summer breeze raising goosebumps from my feverish skin. The sidewalk was clear of people and only every couple minutes did a car pass by as I drunkenly stumbled around a neighborhood in the middle of who-fucking-knows where.

At some point I riffled through my purse, my fingers searching for a cigarette. I fumbled with the cancer stick, pressing it to my lips and drunkenly lighting it up while almost burning my fingers.

I breathed it in, stumbling a bit on my high heels. I was getting closer to down town, the streets becoming dirty and the street lights multiplying. My shoes clacked against the pavement and the smoke swirled around my face and the beer was still sloshing around in it's bottle. In between letting out another nicotine tainted breath I took a swig of the beer, burning my throat the whole way down. I barely felt it, due to the fact that I was already drunk and so used to the taste.

Houses began to turn into store fronts and lights began to brighten, there seemed to be more cars and even through my drunken haze I could tell that I was no where close to home. I flicked my cigarrette to the ground, squashed it with my heel, and finished my beer. The lights were blaring and my eyes began to burn, I was wobbling on my heels, stumbling every so often as I continued making my way down cluttered streets.

Several times I almost fell, but righted myself on the walls of stores and bars. The one beer wasn't enough to get me shit faced again and make the head ache go away and every time I passed a bar I felt my mouth water and my knees weaken. It was pathetic but all I could think about was more. More vodka, more weed, more ecstasy, but the red and blue lights that began to flash behind me stopped me. I froze, noticing the red and blue reflected in the wet puddles that must have been caused by rain during the party.

The car began to near and my brain finally pushed through my muddled thoughts, screaming for me to hide. I searched frantically, tripping over my feet, and threw myself into an alley way. My world was tilting and my heart was pumping, I was only 19, if that cop slowed down and saw my blood shot eyes or smelled my alcohol ridden breath I would have been carted off to the slammer.

The alley way was dark and damp, I made my way down, my back pressed against one brick wall so I was hiding in the shadow. The car whizzed past, the sirens blaring, and a relieved sigh escaped my lips. My heart rate began to slow down and just as I was about to slide down and sit I heard yelling, and not very far away from me.

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