C25: RTX (Day 1) Pt 2

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Leilah still had about 2 hours left to mess around and go to some of the other booths.
She didn't recognize anybody since she only watched videos of people who were friends with Mark, so she spent most of her time at an Oculus booth.

When she wasn't at the Oculus booth, she was just looking around at all the plushies and art being put on display. There were all sorts of things being sold at this place, she thought to herself.

From My Little Pony Plushies to Japanese Weaponry, there was something here every body could enjoy.


She got bored with herself after a while and decided to go back to Mark's booth.

She made her way back to the booth and took a seat on the table in front of Mark with a huff.

"Bored?" Jack asked, chuckling.

"Yeah..." she mumbled.

"Don't worry, they're gonna start letting in the VIP people soon. It shouldn't be too long from now," Jack cheered, excited to meet some fans again while he's in America.

Mark smiled and poked Leilah's side. "Sit over here, mouse." Mark laughed, motioning over to a couch behind the six chairs.

"Am I gonna have to sit here the whole time?" Leilah whined, flopping on to the couch.

"Well, no. But you're probably going to have to stay in here most of the time, since we don't want you getting lost." Wade said, from his seat.

"Yup." Bob agreed, taking a seat next to him.

Leilah was about to protest until she noticed that there was 2 extra seats in Marks booth.

"Who's gonna sit there?" She asked, getting up and reading the name tags attached to the seats.

"Who are Matt and Ryan?" She asked curiously, scruntching up her face in confusion.

"Those are some of our friends from Youtube I haven't introduced to you yet." Mark explained. "They make funny skits and I've actually been in a couple of them. They will be joining us today and tomorrow, since they couldn't get a booth and none of us minded."

"Oh..." she said simply, not knowing what to say. "They sound nice..." she chirped.

"Don't worry, sweetie. They're cool, trust me." Mark assured her, checking his phone.

"When are they gonna get here? The VIP fans are allowed inside in 10 minutes!" Wade worried. Bob checked his watch and nodded his head in agreement.

And as soon as Wade said that, Leilah saw two guys jogging towards the booths an fumbling over things in their hands and trying to keep their bags hanging on their shoulders.

"We're here!" The brunette one said. "We're here..." He repeated himself as he tried catching his breath and slowly placing things down on the table in front of him, remembering how heavy all the stuff he was carrying really was.

"Sorry we're so late!" The other said. He was very blonde and very tall.

Leilah beamed at them and looked back at Mark. He stood up to go and greet them.

"There you guys are! Glad to see you guys actually made it!" Mark joked, pulling both if them into a hug. Everyone said their hellos, exchanging hugs and pats on the backs.

Ryan and Matt finally noticed Leilah smiling at them from their seats and gasped.

"Oh my gosh! Is that Leilah? Oh my- Uh- Hi there, Leilah!" Ryan freaked, not knowing what to say and being way too excited.

"Yeah, yeah! Guys, this is Leilah! Leilah say hi to Ryan and Matt," Mark cheered, using his right hand to point at them as he said their names.

"Hello!" She spoke simply, pulling out her phone and waving it around a bit to single she was going to take a picture of the two men.
They quickly posed, sporting goofy faces and some crazy pose.
She giggled and quickly posted it on Twitter with the caption, Look who's here!!
"Posting it on Twitter, mouse?" Mark mused behind her?


The exhibit hall was buzzing with the VIP fans, all cramming and making there way to their desired booth.
Mark's booth got instantly capped.
(That means that the line for the booth got too long and people can't get in line until later, when the line gets shorter.)

Leilah sat on the couch behind her dad, as instructed and waved happily at all of the fans getting things signed by all the guys in front of her.
Leilah would get up every once in a while, whenever someone called her over bc they had a present for her.
She had kept a pretty organized pile of all the things both her and Mark were receiving from fans, and these weren't even all of them!

This con was about to get packed.


Leilah mused at all of their antics, not really understanding what 'Septilplier' was until she realized that it was both Sean's and Marks Youtube names put together.
"Weird..." She thought, quickly glancing at her phone, checking the time.

It was about 2:45.
"4 more hours..."


Soon, Leilah got way too bored just sitting on that couch and started to bother Uncle Bob.
"Uncllllle Bob," she whined.
Bob smiled and glanced at Mark.
"What's up?" He asked.
"I'm bored..." Leilah grumbled.
Leilah heard someone go 'aww~' and quickly looked up the direction.
It was a girl wearing a shirt and some light blue shorts.
"Oh, oh! I'm sorry, you're just so cute," she beamed at Leilah.
Leilah smiled and let out another giggle.
Bob chuckled and patted Leilah on the back, giving her a 'I need to get back to work' kind of smile and turned back to the girl in front of him.

Leilah decided to go bother the new people she just met.
She chatted with both Ryan and Matt for a bit before getting bored yet again and throwing her self back onto the couch.
She looked in side her purse for something to do and saw her tiny wallet in there.
She remembered that Mark had given her some money to spend.
She quickly thought about her choices.
And with that, she left the booth.

Oooh, what horrors await thee.

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