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"Happy! I'm leaving you behind if you don't hurry up!", Natsu yelled back to the house. "But y/n is still in the bathroom! I can't brush my fur like that!", Happy yelled back. "You're handsome enough like you are right now Happy!", Natsu yelled and Happy gave up arguing and sat down on Natsu's head.
"Y/n! We're leaving you if you don't hurry!", Natsu yelled. What followed as an answer were some angry sounds that Natsu, even with his keen hearing, could not make any words from.
Y/n stumbled out of the bathroom, pulling her shirt down and her toothbrush still in her mouth. "Just go already. I'll come when I'm ready. I have the keys either way.", y/n told them. Natsu shrugged and kissed her forehead before he left. "I'll see you at the guild then.", Natsu waved.
When they were walking to the guild Natsy suddenly felt that pain return. Ever since he had fought with Zeref he had felt pain in his lower abdomen. He told Happy to wait a bit and leaned against a tree. The pain was worse this time. He sat down and groaned in pain. "Damn it. Happy, get y/n.",he told his blue companion. "Natsy, what's wrong?", Happy asked. "Ever since the fight with Zeref, the Place he shot through the book is hurting.", Natsu explained. Happy nodded and flew off again to their little cottage.
He flew as fast as he could. If this was maybe an internal bleeding Natsu could be in some serious danger. "Y/n!", he yelled in panic when he flew through the door of the cottage. "What is is Happy. Calm down a bit.",y/n said but was suddenly picked up by Happy. "It's Natsu. During the fight with Zeref, Zeref shot through the book of END which affected Natsu. There weren't any physical wounds at first sight so Natsu shook it off but he told me it has been hurting ever since. He told me to come and get you as fast as possible.", Happy explained y/n.

They arrived at the Place Natsu had collapsed against the tree and saw that he wasn't even sitting up now anymore. He was lying down now and it didn't look like he was conscious. "Happy! Fly him to the guild as fast as possible. Porlyusica should still be there. I'll run.", y/n ordered Happy. This looked serious.
Y/n started running and though about what it could be. Maybe it was an internal bleeding, those were serious and if it was that it didn't look all that good for Natsu. But maybe it was just the impact that using that strong magic of Igneel had on his body. He should've lost a whole lot of magic. Maybe it only took its toll now.
Without realizing she had already reached the guild and looked around. Mirajane pointed to the infirmary with a worried look on her face. Something that didn't happen all that often and something y/n didn't like at all.
She ran into the infirmary and saw Porlyusica and Wendy doing healing on him. She rushed to his side where Happy was sitting too and held his hand that was now hanging limp next to the bed. "Do you know anything already, Porlyusica-san?", she asked. Porlyusica nodded slowly.
"What he has is an anti-ethernanos tumor. It's really dangerous and usually wrecks the body on a few days. There aren't any doctors in all of Ishgar that can heal this right now. The only thing I know about it is that it only appears when the person has used too much magic in a short period. When has his pain started?", Porlyusica asked and Happy spoke up. "After the battle with Zeref. He used a lot of magic in that battle. Maybe it was too much for his body.", Happy told the ancient healer who looked worried. No matter what she would try, there was no way to heal this . And the fact that the sickness was wrecking his body for a day already only made the little one percent chance of surviving grow even smaller.
"The only thing we can do now is take care of him and don't let him suffer too much in his last days.", Porlyusica told them and took Wendy with her outside to tell the rest of the guild the bad news "We'll leave you two alone with him for a while.

When the two healers had left the room y/n broke down in tears and hugged the limp body of her boyfriend. Natsu would die. In only a few more days. She wasn't able to say goodbye.

Natsu was drifting in a black, endless space when he suddenly heard a familiar voice. "Natsu.", the voice said and Natsu immediately recognized it "Igneel!". "Natsu. Your time hasn't come yet. It's a shame that you have to leave all your friends already to join me. You had so much more potential. But it seems like your body couldn't take it. The magic I left you has left too much damage on your body.". "I can't fucking die yet Igneel! I need to say goodbye to y/n! She's obviously blaming herself for all of this.", Natsu yelled. "Please.", he begged. "Let me go back once more. I need to see her again before I'll join you for eternity. Please. Igneel.", Natsu begged the dragon that had no appeared before him, ready to take Natsu with him to the afterlife.

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