The Pirahna's Plea

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I am a killer

And a flash of horror

You hear a splash, turn around and see no more

Me, I am...

Able to rip you, devour you within seconds

And the crimson stain of blood washed away

I'm as selfish as a human

Taking and never giving back


I am feared, a monster, a murderer

Treacherous, callous and cruel

But I am not alone

Thousands of us: agile and powerful

Sleek and stealthy, yet scandalous and shameful

Why can't I be colourful and bright like the other fish?

I bring no joy, only destruction and misery

I long for laughter when I reveal myself

But I cower in terror as people yell and curse me

A shattered dream

I am trapped as a malicious fiend,


By Aparna 

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