Stranger: it's sexyyy cutie
You: there you go again making me blush
Stranger: <33
Stranger: that's what I love
You: stop it I'm going to like blush to death xD
Stranger: hehe
You: seriously xD
Stranger: warning....... just saying....... I get hard easily....... don't leave because of that xDDDDDDDD
(A/N I was unresponsive for a couple of minutes)
You: just updating my Wattpad sorry
Stranger: its cool
You: wuut?
Stranger: do you like big Ds random ? lol
You: that was.... random to say the least
Stranger: lol do chu tho :O
You: whyy
Stranger: cause mine might me small lol\
You: xD (A/N I didn't know what to put haha)
Stranger: it's 8 inches...... Btw js
(A/N I started dancing)
You: sorry good song
Stranger: lol
Stranger: it's ok
You: :)
Stranger: c;
You: :3
Stranger: ;3
You: d-*_*-b
Stranger: lol your so sexy xD (A/N I started getting uncomfortable at this point....)
You: awh taCONTINUED.........
Sorry that I keep doing the continued thing, I just don't want to make each chapter to long for you guys....

My Omegle experiences
Diversos"Do you like big Ds random ? lol" Basically I go on Omegle because I met most of my best mates on it and I want to make friends on it but as you may or may not know there are some proper creeps and some not so creeps so I decided to photograph some...