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The news came to their class the next day.
"At 7:30 p.m last night, Young Student Gakushuu Asano was involved in a hit and run. He was admitted to the hospital with broken legs, broken right arm, dislocated wrist, and 3 broken ribs. He is currently in critical condition. The doctors are not sure if he will survive."
Everyone in Class E was confused. Why was Gakushuu hurt? He wasn't in their class, he had nothing to do with them.
After school, Nagisa decided to go visit him.
When he walked into the room, the sight terrified him.
Gakushuu was laying in the hospital bed, multiple tubes were connected to him, He had an IV. Gakushuu slowly opened his eyes.
"Who's there?..", he whispered.
Nagisa's eyes widened, "Nagisa Shiota.."
Gakushuu smiled, "Oh hey nagisa."
Nagisa walked over to him, "How many fingers am I holding up?", he said as he held up 2 fingers. Gakushuu hesitated.
"You can answer can't you?! If you can...", Nagisa said.
Gakushuu looked away.
"! It can't be! Please, please just tell me how many fingers I am holding up! Please! You can answer can't you?! Please, you can right?!", Nagisa said. He started to cry.
"..Want to know why I went on that walk?..", Gakushuu whispered.
"Yes! Yes please!!," Nagisa said.
Gakushuu smiled, "I got a text at 6:30 yesterday. It said 'go on a walk somewhere you had never been before', I didn't know who it was so I asked 'why, who are you?'. The person didn't answer, instead, they said 'Go or else everyone in Class 3-E will die.' I then decided to go on the walk. It was extremely dark. But I didn't care. As I walked, a man started yelling at me. Before I knew it, I was hit by a car. The pain was too much. I remember passing out..and then I woke up here.", he said.
"But, I thought you hated us..," Nagisa whispered.
"I did, but I don't anymore. And no matter what, I won't let you all die.", Gakushuu replied, smiling.
Nagisa looked down at his two fingers. Could Gakushuu see or not?
"Oh yeah, sorry for not answering..but..," Gakushuu started, "but....I can no longer see.."
Nagisa gasped,"what?!"
"When the car hit me, my head slammed hard on the ground. I had sight for about 5 minutes before I passed out. I lost it while I was unconsious. They said that when I first woke up, I was screaming because I couldn't see. No matter what, I see darkness. I dream in color,  but I see the same thing over and over. The car's headlights. The bloody snow. It hurts, Nagisa. The fact that I will never see again, hurts.."

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