Chapter 2

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I want one moment in time 

  When I'm more than I thought I could be

When all of my dreams are a heart beat away

And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time

When I'm racing with destiny

Then in that on moment of time

I will feel, I will feel eternity

I will feel, I will feel eternity

  There he stood, working his muscles to sap the energy from his mind to prevent him from continuing to brood over his great loss. He was so involved in his kata that he failed to feel the gaze that drank him in visually, from a few yards away, closer to the park.

From her vantage point, Kimberly Hart watched Tommy move. To her, it felt strangely reminiscent of the first time she had laid eyes on him, months ago at the Martial Arts Expo. She spotted him from across the Juice Bar, and watched his skilled practice as if it were a hypnotizing dance. The mystery and gentleness that she perceived from him drew her to him. Not long after, they became friends, and the mystery had faded somewhat. Kimberly learned a great deal about Tommy, and she came to realize her instincts were right on target. He was indeed gentle, charming, selfless, and considerate. And undeniably handsome. None of those qualities had changed over the months of their friendship, but her feelings towards him changed a great deal. Rather than the simple, innocent curiosity that first drew her to him, she felt a far stronger pull. It wasn't the attraction of first sight anymore. It was the pull of a truer, deeper love, that reached far further than the surface. She was convinced that she'd found the Prince Charming she had dreamed about since childhood. If only he'd realize her interest.

Throughout the day, on several distinct occasions, Tommy had tried to ask her something. As usual, he stammered nervously, trying desperately to get the words out. Kimberly was convinced he was trying to ask her to the dance that weekend. As luck would have it, each time he nearly managed to complete his sentence, they were rudely interrupted, but Putty Patrollers, and Goldar, amongst other distractions. And once the threat of the day took shape, the rangers were too busy trying to save Tommy to even think about the dance. After Tommy gave up his powers, he quickly left the Command Center, and she hadn't seen him since. He never got the chance to ask her out, and he didn't even call her, or try to contact the other members of the team. It was a few hours, but Kimberly couldn't help but worry a great deal about Tommy. She could sense his love for his work, it was obvious each time he leapt into battle as the Green Ranger, Dragon Dagger held high. He even became friends with the Dragonzord. He simply loved being a ranger, it was his chance to be someone. And she was worried that, without the special status of being a ranger, he felt like he was no one. To her, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Zordon advised the teens to give Tommy a little space, so he could come to grips with the changes in his life. But Kimberly wouldn't accept that. She could sense he was hurting, and she wanted desperately to help him through his most recent challenge. So she took it upon herself to find the young man. He wasn't at the Youth Center, and to Kim, it almost looked like he was purposely trying to hide from his friends.

But Kim didn't let that stop her. She asked around, and eventually found him working out by the lake. As she saw him move, so much like the first time, that sense of mystery came again. She couldn't discern, and she probably couldn't understand either, what he was feeling. What he was thinking. His mind was a mystery to Kimberly. A mystery she was determined to solve.  

Mighty Morphin Power RangersLove Is SeriesVolume 2: One Moment In TimeWhere stories live. Discover now