Paintings and falling in love

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Niall doesn't realize it first. He doesn't realize that he's staring. Not until Liam is nudging his arm, making Niall divert his attention to him. His eyes land on his friend. He thinks that he really needs to get used to Liam's new buzz cut but it's hard for Niall to adjust to certain things. Liam's new haircut being one. The blonde rises an eyebrow at the boy because he wants to know why Liam nudged him.

"You're wasting your time." Liam says in a whisper as to not disrupt the lecture and Niall immediately knows what Liam is talking about. Niall had been caught staring Harry Styles out and he knows that Liam means that Niall is wasting his time because Harry is an extreme introvert. Everyone at campus knows this. It's a basic fact. But Niall is so intrigued by him. He can't help it really. Harry fascinates Niall too much. He wants to know how Harry's brain works. How he thinks and he wants to now how Harry turned out the way he is. Surely something has made Harry the way he is.

Niall turns his head back to watch the lad again, only to see that he has picked up a brush and is swiping it over the canvas. Harry's long hair is tied up in a bun and he's wearing a white t-shirt with stains all over it. On the canvas Harry's brush leaves pretty blue traces and Niall finds himself smiling slightly. He is determined. He will figure Harry Styles out.


Louis barks out a laugh from his spot on Liam's lap. His feathery hair is messy and he hasn't shaved in a while so he has got quite the stubble. A green Adidas jumper is covering his torso and black skinnies are on his legs.

"You can't be serious, Niall." he then says causing Niall to huff out and cross his arms over his chest. Why are everyone defying him? Of course he can figure Harry out. All he needs is alone time with the boy who seems to be a mystery to everyone.

"I am." he says being stubborn as he is. "Why are you guys so anti me getting to know him?" Louis' laughter dies down and he sees that Niall actually means what he's saying and Louis can also tell that his best friend since they were in diapers, is hurt by the lack of positive response and encouragement.

"No, hey Niall. That's not it. It's just, he's a bit weird." Louis shrugs as he speaks but his words infuriate Niall. How could Louis say that when he hasn't ever tried to speak to Harry? It's not fair. Sure, Harry seemed like quite an odd persona but Niall also thinks that Harry seems interesting and wonderful.

"How can you say that? Don't you know not to judge a book by it's cover?" Louis' eyes widen when Niall's tone becomes more annoyed and quite frankly, Niall almost never uses angry or annoyed tones. Niall is right though, Louis should definitely know that a book shouldn't be judged by it's cover because he himself has experienced a lot of misjudgment. Louis opens his mouth but nothing makes it out before Niall has risen from his seat on the sofa and retreated to his own room, of course slamming the door.


It's a week later when Niall is eyeing Harry again, this time during his lunch. Harry is sat in the canteen with a sketchpad and his eyebrows are furrowed as he drags his pen across the paper. Today he is wearing a hoodie and just like every other piece of clothing he owns, it's got paint stains on it. Niall has made up his mind. He's going to talk to Harry today. Harry, the artistic, quiet, gorgeous introvert. Harry, who will most likely just dismiss Niall, the mediocre lad he is. Niall is so mediocre compared to Harry because sure, Niall is quite good at singing and he enjoys writing songs. But Harry is just such a beautiful character.

With his cup of Starbucks coffee in his hand he begins walking in the direction of Harry's table. He ponders on what to say to him but just as he is about to reach him, a girl stands right next to Harry and she clears her throat. She makes an attempt to charm him, but not once does he even lift his gaze from the paper where he is sketching something Niall can't really see what it is. The girl walks away with a red face after Harry finally diverted his attention to her just to dismiss her, telling her he had absolutely no interest in going out with her that next Friday.

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