My thug family.

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Characters :

Main character, Adrienne Jane Castillo

Cassandra jannette Castillo (little sister)

Natalie Ramirez (cousin from moms side)

Jose Castillo (older brother )

Tio Luis (uncle from fathers side)

Tia Monica (Tio Luis's wife)

Viridiana Jennelle Castillo (cousin from Fathers side)

Aleily Beltran (best friend)

Christian Villalobos (...)

Roberto Beltran (homeboy)

Antonio Beltran(home boy)

Hector Castillo (father)

Alejandra Garcia (rival gang girl)

Cruz Aleksandro Castillo (cousin)

Valeria Michelle Vazquez (mother)

Beep beep beep...

There went my alarm at 7 in the morning. Time to get ready for JLA (Johnson Lake Academy) the school I go to because I can't go to regular public school. I can't go to regular school because I'm no longer accepted in any other school in LA county. So my probation officer said I went to the bad kid school to fix my grades or I went to Juvie. Obviously I picked JLA.

When I got out the shower I got out my uniform. Grey dickies skinnys. A white shirt, put my chucks on, my hoops in and I have to put my hair up in a pony tail. I look like a white girl! I'm fully Mexican though . I look white because I have white girl skin, blonde curly hair that touches my ass, and my big green eyes. I get my eyes from my grandpa, my hair from my mom and complexion from my father.

My father was a really important person in LA before he left my family with another women way before Cassandra, my littlest sister was born. He was the biggest Narc and ran his own cartel in Mexico. When his cartel started getting big he suddenly disappears with his new family and out of our lives. I don't really mind it now, but my older brother Jose says that when I was little I was really attached to him and when he left I would always cry and talk to no one. He calls every now and then but no one talks to him. We see the caller ID so we just ignore the call. I wish I could talk to him but I don't think my pride would let me. Sometimes at night I wonder what his life is like in a big mansion, with his family. Or if he ever thinks about us or even miss us at all

I go to my cousins Viridiana's house to wait for her so I won't go to the bus stop by myself. Me and my cousin got the same P.O. because we both did the same crime. She gave us the same choice. I wondered to myself is she dumb? We did the crime together and she's going to put us in the same school together. Well that's an incredible idea. We jumped this girl from our rival gang. So she went to the hospital and she snitched. That little bitch. Alejandra is her name. She was my best friend in elementary but in middle school we broke ties because our families have a major difference in Gang preferences. My family are southsiders and well her family are northsiders. They wear red we wear blue. My mom was really mad when she found out I joined it. She thought she would have at least noticed when I joined because of an initial beating, but she didn't because I didn't get a single bruise. My father blessed me and my brother in when we were newborns. Therefore I didn't need a initiation. I did although get a mission.

"Let's go Viridiana, we're going to be late and I don't want them to call the P.O. "

"I'm going I just need to get dressed." She says from the bathroom.

My cousin is really pretty she has a white girl complexion also. And long ass natural black hair, except she dyed it red. She has really pretty eyes also they're a grayish blue type of color, and full lips. With a nice body. We could have been twins. Because we look very alike. From the body and complexion. Our only real difference is our hair and face. She put on the same thing I did. Not that there is many options since we have a Uniform. It's stupid how we can't wear rosaries, beads nor bandanas. Not only can we not represent our gang but we can't even represent ourselfs.

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