The First Ring -- A Second Promise

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   Mori shoved his hands into his pockets when you entered the room, and gave you his small smile. You returned the expression and ran up to him, shoving your face into his chest and holding him close. You both then began to walk along the polished flooring, over to where Honey had been waiting ever so excitedly. Everything seemed brighter, happier.

   You sipped on your tea, and focused on the guests. You decided it would be good for the club if you showed affection shyly to the ladies, and it worked. Distracted by your duties, you never did realize that Mori was shaking ever so lightly. Honey beamed with excitement, knowing why the giant was nervous. Honey put his hand on Mori's shoulder and gave him an acknowledging nod before going to sit on one of his guests' laps.


   The club had started to die down. The guests had left, and the hosts were preparing to leave. This hosting day had been slightly longer than usual, something about it being a special day for the club. The setting sun painted the walls with beautiful shades of amber, lighting up the room with the breath-taking colors. You strode across the canvas of a room to pick up your bags. Before you reached them, a strong hand clasped yours and halted you in your tracks.

   "Hitoshi," he mumbled. You turned back to him with a cheeky smile. "I have something for you."

   You tilted your head and watched him pull his hands out of his pockets. Your face burned red when he showed you the rings, and you looked up to stare at him.

   "M-Mori?" You questioned shakily. He brought your hand up and slid one of the rings on.

   "Because I promised. I don't ever want you doubting that I love you, or that you aren't wanted. This ring, is another promise I will make to you. This will not be the last, either. This promise, is that I will always love you."

   He pulled you in for a kiss, and you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled back, wearing a large smile as his expression. He slid the second ring onto his own hand, a small band. You took this moment to look down at your own.

   It sparkled ever so lightly as the light shifted, a small ring with little gems of your favorite color. You pulled him in for a tight hug and thanked him profusely, receiving little chuckles from him all the while.

   Although you wished to stay with him longer, Michael was waiting for you outside. You grabbed your bags and looked back at Mori. Your cheeks were dusted pink, your eyes shining in the setting lights. You waved and rushed out the door, your stomach twisted in knots of excitement.

   "How was the club today?" Michael asked you. You simply laughed and buckled yourself in, too flustered to tell him about the ring.

   It would be just between you and Mori.
   Just like the promise.

"Takashi's Type" Host ~ Takashi x Reader / Mori x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now