The Journal [boyxboy]

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"Emerson, wake up! It's time for school!"

I groaned at the sound of my mom's voice and rolled over, checking the time. I had a half hour to get ready for school.

I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed clean clothes, pulling them on. I brushed my hair and teeth before heading out to the kitchen.

My mom tossed me a granola bar, which slipped through my fingers and thumped on the floor. I mentally sighed as I bent down and picked up.

"Smile," she said, coming over and ruffling my hair.

"I just brushed my hair!" I whined.

"It looks bad anyways. Put a beanie on," she said.

"Thank you mother," I grumbled, stomping back into my bedroom. I grabbed a beanie and pulled it on, hiding my messy hair.

I went back out to the kitchen. Mom glanced at me and nodded in approval at my lazy appearance.

"Alright, bye Emerson. Try to b in a good mood," she said, coming over and kissing my cheek.

"Yea, yea, yea," I grumbled, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and grabbing the car keys.

I went out and got in the car, pulling out of the driveway and taking off towards school. I pulled into the school parking lot and put my car in park, just as it started pouring rain.

My jaw dropped open as I stared out of my windshield at the sudden downpour. I let out a frustrated yell and grabbed my jacket.

"Great. This week is just fantastic," I snapped at my steering wheel as I pulled my jacket on and flipped up my hood.

I got out of my car, ducking my head low and locking it. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and started up the hill to school.

I let out a little yell as I slipped and fell to the ground, my knees splashing into a puddle. I grit my teeth as I heard laughter behind me.

I pushed myself to my feet, not turning around to see who was laughing at me now. This was officially the worst week of my life.

Reaching the top of the hill, I pulled my hood down and stepped into the hell known as high school. I looked down at my soaking wet jeans and clenched my fists. I began to walk through the school, heading towards my locker.

I walked by a group of kids leaning against a memorial locker from some kid named Adrian, and they stared at my wet jeans. I ignored them and kept going until I had reached my own locker, and put in my combination.

I shrugged out of my jacket and hung it in my locker. I exchanged a few books and shut my locker, heading down the hallway.

The bell exploded over head and I winced, realizing that I was late to class again. I hurried down the hallway to my homeroom, throwing the door open and stepping in.

My body instantly relaxed as I realized that we had an elderly substitute. The guy didn't even bother a glance at me as I moved towards my desk.

I set my bag down and fixed my beanie. I looked down at my jeans again. They were clinging to my body uncomfortably.

Arms wrapped around my waist, and I mentally groaned. Great, as if I wasn't already in a bad mood.

"Hi Matthew," I said, my voice emotionless.

Matt spun me around and inspected my wet jeans. "Fall walking up the hill?" he guessed.

"Ding, ding, ding! We have a correct answer," I said, turning to sit down.

The Journal [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now