the tag that everyone hates

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azaleahs -voidallison


- You must post all the rules.

- You must tag thirteen people.

- You must post thirteen facts about yourself.

- You have to answer the 13 questions and then as 13 more.

- You're not allowed to say "I don't do tags."

- Tag Backs are allowed.

- You must complete this in a week or the person that has tagged you will remind you.

- Be creative.


1. I'm terrified of dogs. Seriously, if you get a dog near me I will run as far away as I can.

2. I'm not allowed to have pets anymore since they've either died or ran away, and since then, I can't be trusted :)

3. I like procrastinating and eating food.

4. I'm obsessed with watching The Royals right now (which you all should totally watch because it's A++)

5. I have five (maybe six) fan pages that I've created and I'm not ashamed.

6. I have an unhealthy obsession with coffee.

7. I peed on Santa Claus one time.

8. My first kiss was with my Dylan O'Brien poster.

9. I am 5'5.

10. I have medium light brown hair with blonde highlights, although I'm cutting my hair soon and getting an ombre.

11. I'm currently re-watching Glee right now.

12. One time, I had a dream where all of my friends were in The Hunger Games, but it was actually called "The Train Games" and basically everyone was getting ran over by trains.

13. I can't focus on one thing for a long time.


1. Least favorite character and why?

My least favorite character has gotta be Gally from The Maze Runner. It's pretty clear why I dislike Gally. First, he killed the loml Chuck. Secondly, he called Thomas ugly. I could go on and on.

2. Favorite Stories on Wattpad?

I have way too much, but here we go.

The Carson Bradley series by azaleahs

Zombie by catxwoman

Screaming Death by intoxicatedteen

Different & Error by stilestastic

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