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Rhine pushed open the door and walked down the hallway of her new school. Scanning the walls and people around, Her eyes meeting many others they were focussing on her. Her mom made her wear an ugly red sweater that looked like Christmas threw up on it, instead of her usual punk, ripped jeans combat boots and black everything clothes, her mom wanted her to start over from her bad girl rep. She was just about to give her some best "What the fuck are looking at" face to the people staring when

"Hey, Rhine!" Carrie interrupted

Rhine turned  to see her best friend and the only person she knew at this hell hole.

"Carrie!" Rhine hugged her and She squeezed back. Rhine thought happily to herself "thank god" I know someone decent here.

"Hey, what are your classes?" Carrie asked releasing Rhine from the hug

Rhine looked down at the paper she was holding in her hand and read aloud
"Algebra 2, chemistry, government, and Spanish."

"We have just algebra together but we have the same lunch and we can..."

Rhine didn't hear the rest of what Carrie said, because she caught the gaze of a well-dressed guy, he was handsome from what she could see.

Rhine interrupted Carries rambling "Who is that? The guy over there, with the brown hair"

Carrie laughs. "Your talking about Parker Williams, don't even look at him all he is about is grades and keeping his record clean he's not for you, your exact opposites".

Rhine laughs in agreement with her

"But hey, you know what they say opposites attract !"

"We are people, not magnets Carrie" Rhine stated in a snarky voice

They laughed and continued their conversations. Rhine couldn't help but think in the back of her mind that something about Parker speaks to her like no other guy. She had a feeling it wouldn't stop anytime soon.

Parker walked over and Rhine's heart thumped every time he got closer. She didn't know why but She knew this wasn't gonna be good for her bad girl rep.

Rhine got and up walked away before he could come over, then she started looking through her backpack. she wasn't watching where she was going.
She ran into something and spilled everything.

"Hey, watch where..." Parker stopped in the middle of his sentence

Parker stared down at her and his mouth open and bent down and picked up her books and handed it to her without a word. He touched her hand as he did Rhine blurted out "I'm so sorry I didn't know you were there.."
Parker interrupted
"Your fine, it's my fault I don't get to run into a pretty grill every day."

Rhine just looked at him in curiosity

"Girl! girl, I mean girl. A-a-a-are you new there?" Parker stuttered as he looked at Rhine with eyes that resembled a scared a puppy.

Those brown eyes Rhine got lost in them and just said yes.

"Then I could show your around, I mean if you want?" He's voice shakes in nervousness.

"I would like that." Rhine smiles and is starts to follow Parker when Carrie grabs her arm.

"What are you doing I can show you the school you don't need him." Carrie seemed to have some anger in her voice. As they started walking away with Parker standing by himself Carrie said."Rhine, I told you he's not for you and anyway he goes after every girl trust me."

Rhine followed Carrie and looked back at Parker's sad face because she walked away without explaining why. Rhine felt bad. She knew he wasn't like that with every girl by the way he stuttered and awkwardly acted, She couldn't see why Carrie was like this.
Was she jealous? No, she can't be. Rhine pushed that thought to the back of her mind.

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