Meeting again

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Grace's POV:

I called Maddie as soon as I'd calmed myself down, but she didn't answer which was unusual. After her abrupt departure from the cafe yesterday she was beginning to worry me. Had I done something to upset her?

I really needed her right now, I needed her advice, encouragement. I had no clue what to do about Jax, part of me wanted to forgive him, while the other part was telling me to get out of town, away from him. The former statement was slowly overpowering the latter.

Could I let someone into my heart that easily? Especially after last night? My mind thought to Chibs and Tig, they seemed like really great guys, and they really looked after me.

An overpowering urge got me to my feet. I walked into the bathroom, stripping off before climbing into the shower. The hot water felt amazing on my skin as I stood there, embracing it all. I did all the necessary bits before getting out. I cursed when I felt the bandage was wet on my head, but refused to go to Tara. I could do it myself, it seemed easy enough.

Standing in front of the mirror in nothing but a towel, I peeled the bandage back carefully. I jumped, slightly taken back by the damage of the wound. It was big, and was still bleeding a little. Taking the cotton pads out of the cabinet I started cleaning the blood up before taking a large bandage out, similar to the one Tara had put on. I carefully applied the bandage over the wound before giving my work a sigh of approval.

Walking into the bedroom, I picked out my outfit for the day. A pair of tight black leggings, followed by a red and white polka dot halter neck top, deciding I'd finish the look with my knee high heeled boots.

Sitting in front of my mirror, I carefully blow dried my hair so it fell straight past my shoulders. I applied some natural make up, not wanting to go over the top with it, considering I'd put effort into my outfit. When I was happy, I applied a few finishing touches.

Getting up, I decided to head over to Maddie's to get her to talk to me. I slipped on my boots and tight fitting leather jacket before heading to the bus stop. Maddie's house was far from mine, so I had no intention of walking. Pulling out my phone, I was shocked to see a text.

Gotta talk to you. It's important. Come by the clubhouse when you can.
- Jax.

Staring down at my phone, I frowned, realising somehow he had gotten my number. I decided to text him back.

Is there any way Tig or Chibs could pick me up from my flat?

My fingers hovered over the x button, debating whether to do it or not. I decided against it. He didn't, so why should I? He text back pretty quickly.

On the way x

So he did put a x, interesting. Sighing, I headed back to my flat, not bothering to go in. I checked the time, seeing it was 14:03. This day seemed to be dragging already. My thoughts wondered to Jax, what did he have to say to me that was so important? I ran my hand through my hair impatiently, when a familiar car pulled up.

"I said Tig or Chibs," I huffed as Jax jumped out.

"They were both busy, so you get me. How lucky are you?" He lied straight through his teeth. I remember Tig telling me last night how he's having a lazy day today. Rolling my eyes, I jumped in the car.

"What's so important that you had to come and get me personally?" I asked, not wanting to beat around the bush with him. He rolled his eyes playfully, which I was not in the mood for.

"You'll see," he smirked over at me, making me use all my courage not to reach over and strangle him. The car ride was silent, but it wasn't a comfortable one. You could tell Jax wanted to start a conversation but didn't know how.

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