Chapter 18

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"Hayes can you help me with number 69,?" Some girl asks him rubbing his muscles .

He smirks and they star whispering in the back of the class. I ignore them and I continue writing out my project. When class ends I go to my locker to put my books up when I turn slightly I see Hayes and some girl all cuddled up together . He notices me staring and I quickly turn around . I shut my locker loudly and I walk to the library . I got in and I took a seat in the corner like usual sadly Hayes is in the class aswell.i put my books on the table and I start reading Moby Dick.

"Hey," a boy says staring straight at me , he is wearing all black and looks like a senior .

"Oh hi, need something," I say politely.

"You body ," he says liking his teeth.

"I'm not interested," I say reading .

"Oh com-," he gets interrupted.
"She said she's not interested," Hayes say clenching his Jaw.

The boy quickly gets up and leaves . I look up.

"I didn't need your help," I say .

"Yes you did," he says as he walks back to the popular side of the library . I continue to read and I notice him staring at me . I pretend like I don't know and I continue.

I get to lunch and I sit in the corner like always . Out of know where everybody rushes outside, the make a big circle . I run outside and I run to see what's going on . I push pass people and I see a huge kid and a small one fighting . The big kid is now ontop of the tall skinny kid beating the shit out of him and I see blood come out of his mouth I run and I tackle him . He gets ontop of me and I kick him in his balls .


"LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU DICK!" I yell as I help the skinny kid up . People help him and take him to the nurse . I see kids bring their phones out and take videos while other kids are scraping fight . I turn around and the the big kid punches me . I collapse but I slowly up I than see Hayes staring at me . A group of boys pick me up and take me to the boys bathroom (I know that sounds weird she doesn't get raped so chill)

"You ok Gia," one boy says putting a towel on my face .

"You crazy that kid has been to juvy he was going to kill you . The other says .

"I'm fine ," I say as they take me to the nurse .

3 hours later with Becca

"Dude that boy that punched you got his ass dragged and beaten he can barely walk now," Becca says while pulling a video from her phone .

"By who?" I say putting ice on my face.

She shows me video and I see the boys pick her up I than see Hayes literally beat the shit out of him . He than sits in him and punches his non stop his hand gets bloody and his friends pull him off. The big kid just stumbles to the nurse and I see Hayes walk off post as hell.

"Why did he do that ," I say
"For you ," Becca says

Bruised love: Hayes gWhere stories live. Discover now