Chapter 11 ~ Sorrow To Be Healed From *The End*

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Let's get into this straight away!

(Y/n) POV
A Golden Bunny staggered into the room which surprised them all.

"Springtrap!" Exclaimed Goldie as he caught her. "Goldie... I escaped... Him... But... His body... It's in my... Suit... Help... Me.." Gasped Springtrap as she gasped for air. She looked at me and her eyes widened. "I've... Seen.. You... In... His... Memories..." Said Springtrap. She then passed out. I looked at Springtrap shocked.

I exhaled deeply in slight shock as I walked to Springtrap. Her eyes were closed and laid a hand on her head. She was in her animatronic form and I grimaced at the disgusting smell and sight from inside her suit. I saw blood, rotting flesh and one thing that made me flinch at the sight of it. A metal badge. Vincent used to work here. Michel gasped at Springtrap's form.

I look at Goldie. "We need to dislodge the body from her suit. Do you trust me?" I asked. Goldie nodded. I motioned him to give me Springtrap. He laid her in my arms and I carried wobbly her to the parts and service room. I laid her on the table gently and grabbed a wrench. I looked to my left to Michel who was rolling up her sleeves. "I'm glad I took Mechanics in collage." Said Michel to herself. Goldie was the only one who was in the room with us. He had tears in his eyes.

I walked up to him and laid a gently hand on his head. I could feel his soft blonde hair. "Goldie. What's wrong?" I asked. "It's my fault. When Vincent killed you, we stalked him to the safe room. Springtrap was there in her suit form. I didn't notice it was her and told Foxy to lure Vincent into the suit. I should've known it was her.. Damn it.." Said Goldie as tears rolled down his cheeks. I hugged him as he sobbed. "Goldie it's not your fault. You didn't know it was her because you hadn't seen her for a while. Don't worry, Michel will fix Springtrap. And then we can defeat Vincent." I said with my head onto of his as he sobbed. The door cracked a little and I saw Foxy peeking through. I gave him a sad smile and rubbed Goldie's back as another row of sobs racked his body.

Through the sobs, I could hear Michel opening Springtrap's suit. I let Goldie go and I turn to help Michel. She was using the crane to keep the suit open but she was having a difficult time doing that. I thought for a moment. It hasn't been 2 months yet but... I sigh and close my eyes. Let's try at least. I concentrate and suddenly I turned back into my animatronic form. Maybe she miscalculated how long we were to be human. I grab the sides of the opening, making the crane fall and clash in the floor, and I keep the sides open. "Thanks." Said Michel. I nod my head at her. Michel slips on some gloves and began to take out the body. I grimace at it. Goldie grabbed a black bin bag and Michel dumped the pieces of body in it. I looked away in disgust. Poor Springtrap.

This went on for a while until we finally got it all out. Michel took of the gloves and threw them in the bag and I grabbed an old cloth and wiped my hands as some old blood had gotten on my fingers, I then threw the cloth in the bag. Goldie tied the bag and put it down. We weren't done just yet.

I grab some parts and Michel grabbed the tools. Don't worry Springtrap. We're gonna make you brand new again.

Bonnie's POV (Didn't expect this did you?)

Springtrap. I was in a slight shock. No one knew this but... She was my sister. I felt guilty not knowing that it was her those years ago.

"Bonnie... Are you alright?" Asked Chica. I looked at her and just broke down. I fell to my knees and began crying. Everyone looked at me shocked. I didn't cry. "Bonnie! What's wrong?" Exclaimed Chica as she knelt down and hugged me. "I-I thought the company had scrapped her! I never knew she was in the safe room! I should've recognise her all those years ago! I should've recognised my own sister!" I cried. "Wh-what do you mean? Springtrap's your sister!?" Said Freddy. I nodded. "Remember in FredBear and Friends? The first restaurant we were in? Springtrap and Goldie were there too. I don't remember a lot though since that was years ago. I didn't tell anyone because I thought she was scrapped after those incidents with their spring locks." I explained as I wiped my eyes and got up.

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