Chapter 16

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As Shamarah greeted the guests at the palace, it wasn't lost on her that some were peeved at Rashnee for being summoned from their slumber this early, especially those who had to travel home in a few hours. Others failed to mask their astonishment to see Shamarah in attendance.

Though she had an impressive resume and was the queen of Levanorah, she had no connection to the Regime save her husband. Or at least they thought she didn't. As she and Theocales made their way to the palace, she had ingratiated herself to him, and accepted his olive branch and effectively became a member of the royal council.

Shamarah trudged into the meeting chambers with the members of the elite and saw servants on standby, attending to the needs of all that were present. One of them approached her and bowed at the waist. After she had acknowledged him, he put out his arm and ushered her to the far end of a large elegant dining table and gestured to her nameplate. He pulled out her chair, and she thanked the servant and sat down.

The room was grand and furnished with beautifully polished oak wood. Stained glass windows displaying images of the gods lined the walls. Above every fourth window, hung mythical fixtures made of onyx, slate, and granite, including several of the heroes of both Greek and Roman mythology. At the far end of the room, a large picture hung on a wall displaying the mission of the Fellowship, which read, "To protect the order of the way, to be the keepers of the law, and establish the order for one and all." Shamarah had recited that mission so many times that the meaning had become lost to her.

She looked around the room at many of the other guests who were also present. Everyone from members of political organizations to members of the royal council. She was also pleasantly surprised to see members of the Shirobethnian Republic. She was confident that Rashnee had planned this meeting before the festival. Her experience in government matters told her that his waiting until the wee hours of the morning to announce it was to prevent any news from leaking to the public beforehand.

The room grew silent when a guard opened a door and walked in and instructed everyone to rise. He waited for everyone to stand and motioned to the trumpeters standing near the door. The trumpets sounded, and the guard cleared his throat.

"Presenting Sovereignties, Lord Theocales Wynlow, Prince Meryolis Cheros, and Chancellor Malisdier Teriston; His Majesties, King Rashnee Themarian, the High King of the Fellowship and Ruler of Levanorah, King Belemoris Varaman of Kabaaz, King Demorayh Veshtyre of Shamrah, and Princes Hernon and Temson Healrose of the Shirobethnian Republic.

The men marched into the room to their arranged seating. Rashnee moved to the head of the table beside his wife. Shamarah took her husband's arm in hers and greeted him with a kiss. She hated herself every time she did this, but appearances were everything in Levanorah, and the last thing the people needed to see was the power couple strained.

"No need for pretense now," the high king whispered. "Everyone already suspects trouble in paradise, when you stormed out of the palace last evening like a whiney little brat."

"I pray you choke on whatever vomit you're about to spew from your lips," the queen said, with a smile plastered on her face.

Rashnee glared at her with disdain but said nothing. He signaled to the servant that ushered Shamarah to her seat to him and whispered in his ear. Shamarah had come to know him as Macias, a studious young man from Namaphalis. He had come to Levanorah looking for work nine years ago, and Rashnee had taken a liking to him, and after three years working as a servant in Rashnee's palace, he was made the king's chancellor.

Macias nodded to Rashnee and walked down the right side of the table towards Theocales. He then whispered in the councilman's ear and motioned to Rashnee. Theocales glanced at Shamarah and then at Rashnee with a smile, and gave him thumbs up. The king nodded solemnly and peered at his wife, but she refused to return his gaze. She figured they were talking about her joining the council.

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