Day 28:Favorite Pokemon
Wow...that's a very difficuly question. Hm, well I happen to be a fan of grass pokemon, which is why for most of the gens I always choose the grass starters, bulbasaur, chikorita, snivy, only for emerald and pearl did I switch that, choosing piplup and torchic. Hm, but I think my favorite pokemon would have to be most of the eevee evolutions I just love them with a burning passion and I'd always try to make most of my team different eevees. It was amazing! Then, my favorite rare pokemon was always and will always be suicune. It was so hardcore >~<! I mean suicune's fast as hell, it can walk on water (basically being jesus :3) and gao it was just amazing. (sorry if im rambling random stuff in this one XD) Uh, my fav eevee evolution would have to either be umbreon or leafeon X3 so yeah!