Love Sucks!: Chapter 1

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Chris's POV

For the past month we've been in school I suffer. From how much work I have to do with the Yandere to seeing him, my love, Carflo, Kissing Ash. Well I'm not the only one suffering. Garlian is depressed as well so don't think I'm the only one. Garlian lives with me so we tell each other what we do. Including self harm. We think it's a joke but it's killing us slowly. We don't care though. We laugh through the pain every damn time. Watching them kiss kills me a bit inside and I can't take it. We're on our way home right now and I got a message from Carlo-Senpai saying

"Hey Chris, you excited for the field trip?"

I texted back saying

"Yeah I got a bathing suit so I guess so."

Just then Garlian said,

"Dude Ash just texted me, are you going to the feild trip? He said"

"Yeah but we have to get a swimming shirt because of our... you know cuts and bruises? I said"

"Way ahead of you man. I got us both one so no beed to worry just no short sleeve shirts okay? He said"

"Yeah man. I said"


"Holy Shit... This boat is huge!! I said in amazement."

"Come on Chris lets go on and get our stuff ready. I was told they wanted to meet in the cafè. Garlian said."

"Okay man see you in like twenty minutes. I said"

I went into my room and looked around.

"Okay I got a T.V, one outlet, clock, bathroom, alright all my stuff is away time to go see them- Wait forgot my money, I might get a coffee. I thought to myself."

As I was walking I heard someone am say "Wait up" I thought it was someone talking to his friend but then I saw Carflo running twords me I stopped, till he caught up.

"Hey Carflo what's up? I said"

"Nothing much, how about you? He said in his sexy tone."

"I might dye my hair. Blue at the front. I said confidently."

"Cool well you just wanna walk together till we get the the cafè? He asked."

"Sure! I said"

"Anything for you lov- Carflo. I said."

But it was seconds after I realized what I just said to him. My love, my friend. Now probably hates me because I said it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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