My Hope

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"Love, this one four letter word can mean so many things to so many people. It can change people in different ways. It has made people, broken people, freed some and trapped some. You see , there are some people out in this mysterious world that think love is only between a man and a woman, these are the people that live in a closed world, they have numbed themselves to a certain way of living and thinking. But we shouldn't hate these people for the way they were conditioned to think, we as a new generation need to help them, lift the veil which distorts their vision, to show them a world of
true love and happiness." - Alyssa Gomez (me)


I remember the first day i laid my eyes on him. I perceived him as the most handsome, rugged and funniest guy that could have ever been made. I don't remember the exact date i first met him it was some-wheres around spring, i know because the weather was perfect everything was just perfect!

Okay so I don't remember where I was going with this since I never finished it.
All I know is that it was supposed to be an Larry au fan-fin.
Guess that never worked out, but point is I didn't want to delete this because of the work I have written I absolutely love it.
This is most likely never going to be updated nor written on so I'm just going to leave you with this
And I hope someone can take something from it
Alyssa Gomez

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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