I Wish...

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This wasn't what he was hoping to see when he finally got to see him. Sure he wasn't expecting a happy ending but he couldn't believe this. When the blonde had heard that they had found Sasuke's whereabouts his attention was fully tuned into the conversation like a hawk on its prey. As he listened into the conversation more and more, he had immediately regretted it and wished that he had never heard a word they were saying.

" Yes, we have his whereabouts and when we find him, we're going to kill Sasuke."



Kill and Sasuke, in the same sentence? The blonde had heard it and processed it as his breathing had picked up its pace. Sure Sasuke was pretty much an enemy to the village and possibly a threat at this point, but wasn't killing him a bit severe? Gripping his chest, it tightened up as he felt like he couldn't breathe normally. Naruto's breathing came quick and in short breaths as his chest rose and fell with each intake of breath that he struggled to take. With shaky breaths escaping his lips he began leaning against the wall of the corner that he was about to round, his eyesight began to get blurry as his knees buckled and he dropped to the ground on his knees.


It wasn't that loud but it had brought attention to the male of the rest of the group around the around corner. His grip on his chest tightened as he collapsed on the ground struggling to breathe.




The blonde had heard the voices but they were muffled as his vision faded in and out. "What..? Where am I?" He asked as he struggled to try and focus his vision so that he could see who was in front of him but his efforts proved futile. Within moments of him trying to focus his eyes he had passed out, leaving his teammates trying to awaken him which didn't help.

After some time the blonde had awaken and slowly opened his ocean blue eyes to get used to the bright lighting in the room. He struggled to sit up but soon was able to complete the task at hand and observed his surroundings. Noticing that he was in a hospital room, he tried to recall the memories that put him there and remembered pieces of what had happened. One thing that stuck with him was the word 'kill' and Sasuke's name.

'Sasuke!' The blonde thought as he frantically looked around for any sign of his teammates so that he could ask about what they meant when they said they would kill Sasuke. But unfortunately for him he found no trace of them and that did not help him to relax.

'That's not good.' He thought.

The blonde became more and more worried by the second as he swung his long legs over the side of the bed and placed his feet on the cold floor and shuddered at the feeling. Naruto's mind was set on one thing: Finding Sasuke. His teammates and multiple sensei had planned on killing Sasuke? Being a missing nin and a threat to the village wasn't exactly a good thing, but killing him? That was a bit too severe in the Uzumaki's eyes, at least put him in custody.

As he made his way out of his hospital room, he looked both ways down the hall before he went and made his way out of the hospital. Years of avoiding getting caught had finally paid off for him. Once he was out of the hospital he immediately set out to go find the raven that his teammates and multiple sensei had left to pursue, without the blonde knowing. He had hoped that they wouldn't get to the Uchiha before he did, but there was this tight sinking feeling in his stomach that gave him a bad feeling.

Continuing his sprint through the thick trees of the forest to where he had heard his sensei say that Sasuke would be, he kept quiet and listened out for any familiar voices. As he had grown closer and closer to the raven's specific whereabouts, he had heard a few familiar voices and the rustle of leaves. Stopping in his tracks he observed his immediate surroundings and noticed that nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but continued to listen for the familiar voices. The voices hadn't grown any louder as the blonde approached where he heard them coming from, in fact they seemed to have disappeared into thin air. Being curious and hopeful, Naruto pushed the leaves that were blocking his view out of his way and his cerulean blue eyes gaped in horror at the blood scattered sight before him.

He had not prepared himself, mentally or physically, for the sight before him. There in front of him laid a dead Sasuke Uchiha. There was evidence that the raven fought back but he was obviously outnumbered in this gruesome situation. The blonde immediately started shaking as his knees buckled, but he tried to keep himself up to see if he could get even the slightest bit of hope that there was still a pulse with the Uchiha. Slowly making his way over to the now late Sasuke, his memorable blue hues began to fill with tears as he stared down at the male he once called his friend. He knew that before he even got over to his body that there was no pulse, but tried it anyway already knowing the result and thus breaking his heart even more.

"Why?" Naruto strained as sobs racked his chest and he dropped to his knees next to the raven as his face was littered in tears hot tears that fell from his cheeks and onto Sasuke's clothes, mixing with his blood. "Why did they have to do this?" The blonde was so enraged at the moment but couldn't do anything about it at all because what's done was done, and he couldn't change it. How was the Sun supposed to live without the Moon? They were complete and total opposites but they worked well together and complemented one another. Could you really have the Sun without the Moon?

As the Uzumaki kneeled next to the bloody corpse of the last Uchiha of his clan, he laid his head on his chest and continued to cry out everything he felt at the moment and everything he felt leading up to then. What hurt the most, was that he never got to say those three words to him.

'I love you.'

The Sun loved the Moon so much that it disappeared every night just to let the Moon shine.

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