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Mike stared down at the sink with hazy eyes, watching as the water mixed with the color of his life and retreated down the drain. Another night just barely survived, another painstaking drive home, another hour wasted working up the courage to pry Foxy's hook from his shoulder. It always seems like the same thing, no matter what, it's the same cycle. The power runs out before 6am, spend the remaining hours roaming the hallways, clutching the tablet like it's going to save his life... Maybe if he hits one of them hard enough they'll leave him alone... Sure, he'd probably end up breaking something or pissing them off more, but it's worth a shot...maybe...

He was brought back to reality when he noticed the sink was becoming filled with more blood than water. God, maybe it was deeper than he thought... He pursed his lips, blinking tiredly as he glanced around. The hell did the bandages go? He can't be out already, can he?..
"I don't have time for this..." He murmured, shutting the water off and making his way out of the bathroom and out to the living room. No need to try and patch it up with something, it'll be soaked by the time he gets to the store. He just grabbed his keys, heading straight out the door. A bloodied not-so-white undershirt and the bottom half of his uniform was all he had on, and he was already regretting his attire; it's absolutely fridged out. He just grunted and made his way to the car, nearly smacking his head on the side of it trying to get in.

About five minutes out, there was already black bordering his vision. He cursed under his breath, moving a hand from the wheel and placing it on his shoulder. Heh, imagine what a time the poor saps at the store are going to have at the sight of him... He's a bloody mess. He hardly noticed the fact that his vision was nearly completely consumed and the fact that he was no longer driving in the correct lane- Hell, he wasn't even going in the right direction anymore, he was supposed to turn ages ago. Before he knew it he was wide eyed, a loud 'HONK' snapping him back a bit. For what seemed like a millisecond, everything stopped. Mike jerked the steering wheel, the other car slamming right into the drivers side of his truck.

"Michael Grey Schmidt, age 32, died in a car crash this morning at around 7:30am. The other man who was involved in the accident, Livid Flay Duncan, is currently in critical condition at Westbrook Hospital. More news will be given upon discovery."

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